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Gumroad is banning all NSFW works effectively today.. likely due to pressure from payment processors, as usual

People are suggesting alternatives, but there seem to be nothing out there that's quite the same to me.. I've been brainstorming, trying to find loop holes around the ban. 

I'm thinking of making my gumroad completely SFW by editing the images (The Volume one made me chuckle while covering up commander with the mic , ngl) and removing all references such as twitter links, any reference to patreon on the descriptions, so they're kind of like an illustration of the month thing..? 

They've got this Workflow system which allows me to setup for a product in a way where I can send a mail to customers (retroactively too) and thats where I'll say something like 'Thanks for supporting, here's a gift as a show of appreciation" and the 'gift' word is a hyperlink to the Mega folder archives. So I'm purely selling sfw illustrations, but nothing in the TOS is against me mailing my customers horny material rrrriiiiightt~? 

If its not allowed, and I'm not banned, I could look for a way to set up my e-mail to do it instead, I guess. I do get a notification mail with the customer's email when they purchase a Gumroad pack.

I guess I just want to exhuast my options with Gumroad first before looking at alternatives..

I was going to work on this month's art pieces but then news struck.. Now, while some sets in the past had a few pieces that could be covered up easily like these images, most sets aren't like this. I don't know if I should invest time to draw some placeholder sfw art for all those sets, as this could backfire and have me waste all that time because it's not gonna work anyway and I'm getting banned. 

Part of me feel like just selling some scribblings and pretend I have overly supportive fans whom will buy terrible art just to support me, hehe. 

And then, I'll see if the method works without much investment in time and effort. If it does, great, if it doesn't, I don't lose much and move on from the platform.. 

I'm really leaning towards this, I don't want people stumbling upon my edited SFW art and somehow liking them enough to purchase, get sent a bunch of fap material, flip out and report me. It has to look ridiculous enough to dissuade regular folks from purchasing, kind of like a big inside joke..

Gumroad should have really given us more time.. they gave a day's notice and slammed the doors shut in our faces. There are artists out there with way bigger portfolio than mine, like they started years before me. Its going to be impossible for them to even try something like this idea. What a shame.

If it all fails, I don't know if there's an equivalent platform out there or if its possible to create patreon tiers and set up a way for people to get the old stuff if they want to. In the worst case scenario where I can't find a replacement, I'll at least get a Mega plan and let my supporters continue accessing the goods, I'll simply refresh the link at the end of the month instead of converting it to a gumroad pack. 




We NSFW creators had suffered enough... But, do not give up, Jorny! i'm sure we'll find our way out of this soon!💙💙


Gumroad banning porn is so stupid. Did no one learn their lesson when tumblr committed suicide when they removed their spicy content?


Its mostly due to pressure from payment processors. I don't really blame them but wished they could have done better. Patreon, while generally considered restrictive in the types of content you can post, have made agreements so that at least some form of smut can still be supported, albeit with regulation. I wish they could have done something like that instead of completely removing them..