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Thank you so much for supporting us on Patreon!
We wouldn't be able to make games without people like you!

▸ Beta Builds and DLC
You can play all of our beta builds for upcoming games, as well as all DLC, on this tier! 

▸ Vote in polls
Every month, we'll post two monthly polls for artworks that are exclusive to our Patreon! Keep an eye out at the beginning of the month to vote. On the Veritate tier, you can add your own suggestions to the polls!

▸ Complete Game Artworks and Music
Check out our finished game artworks, CGs, BGs and character sprites! We add more every month. You can also take a look at the previous monthly artworks. On top of this, you have first access to demos and full versions of all of our music!

▸ Sketches and Works in Progress
Make sure to go check out all the WIPs and sketches of our CGs, BGs and more! We post new ones every month, but you can also view all previous ones.

▸Monthly Devlogs
In the first week of each month we post a devlog going over what's been happening with our games for the past month. This is a great place to catch up on all the behind the scenes info. You can also view previous devlogs here.

▸Discord Role
Here's a guide on getting your Discord role! It can sometimes take a day or so to receive the role, but send us a message if you don't get it.

▸18+ Polls and Art
Each month, you'll be able to vote on a character to receive an 18+ illustration from our lead artist, Fuyuure. Keep an eye out for these polls at the end of each month.

Again, thank you for coming with us on this journey.

Two and a Half Studios
Added: 2024-01
Hello there!

Thank you so much for supporting us on Patreon!
We wouldn't be able to make games without people like you! Feel free to join our Discord, where you'll get a special rank for being a supporter.

You can view EVERY months exclusive art rewards by going to the "monthly artwork" tag. 
Added: 2023-11