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Humdrum : Hmmm? Hey, what are you doing? Are you trying to pull my tail? *He asked inquisitively, when he felt Mane-Iac’s tendril like tail wrap around the base of his tail. Pulling the tail can make dragon feel sudden pleasure sometimes.* Or are you trying to help me with thrusting? Do you want me to speed it up for you?

Mane-Iac : Well, I gave you a permission to penetrate me. So I think this will be my turn to penetrate you! *Giggle* Ahh…Now let’s see where your tail hole is… *She speaks to herself, as she rubs the tip of her tendril tail around the green scales underneath the base of Humdrum’s tail. Trying to find the opening between the scales that she thinks might hide his anus, but she found none after searching for a while*

Humdrum : Sorry to disappoint you, Mane-Iac, But you see, I don’t have one… *He explained while managing to still keep up his passionate thrusting, while his mare’s tendrils tickled the base of his cock from time to time while trying to find the hole*

Mane-Iac : W…wha? What do you mean? How is that possible!?!

Humdrum : Well, maybe saying that I don’t have one might be too much…The fact is that a reptile like myself only have one open hole call a “Cloaca”. It usually only opens when we use it for waste and pee, but it is also where my penises are located and come out, as they are at the moment. So it’s quite busy and not ready to be penetrated right now, sorry dear. *He chuckles and nuzzles Mane-Iac’s exposed neck. *

Mane-Iac : Aww…That’s so sad for me. *She expressed in a disappointed tone* I heard that some males like what I was planning, as they receive a very good feeling when their prostate gets stimulate thought anal penetration… *She lets her tendrils down and proceeds to simply let Humdrum continue fucking her for now*

Humdrum : Prostate? *Laughs* that’s a mammal’s organ...I don’t have that either.

Mane-Iac : Auuuuhhh!!! *She screams in a softy crazy fashion* Everything I know about “How To Please Your Stallion” is useless when it comes to you!! Your body is so different from us ponies, and filled with surprises!! Do you have anything that can surprise me more!?! *She rests her front legs from hugging Humdrum and simply let herself fall down so that she was laying her back on bed. Letting her dragon mate fuck her with full force*

Humdrum : Oh…I have one more, how about the fact that I don’t actually pee though my penises? My penises have only one purpose, and that’s for having sex and fucking. *Grins*

Mane-Iac : …… *Remains silent in disbelief and surprise*

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well if that's true i learned something today

Drago Whooves

you could really torture Humdrum by keeping him permanently aroused, or you could stick a vibrating buttplug into his waste hole.