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Sombra : Princess…Did you just say that you are in heat. *He said while pulling his soft cock out from his princess as loads of cum trickled out of her pussy, causing him to worry. On any other day it would have been hot to see, but not this time…and with the amount of cum he pumped into her, there was no doubt that she was now pregnant for sure.*

Crystal Heart : Yes! I am in heat Sombra!! *She said with a carefree and happy voice. She answered like this because she thought Sombra would be happy to know that she was pregnant*

Sombra : Why didn’t you tell me? *his voice was cold and his face serious, despite this, his face was still laced with worry. He moves to sit himself in front of Crystal Heart, letting his cock rest on his thigh, waiting for it to be ready on its own, where it will retreat back into his sheath.

Crystal Heart : B…But I thought you already knew about it…I thought ponies only have sex when they are in heat? *After Sombra's question, she began to realise that’ she must of misunderstood something again, but she still wasn’t entirely sure, since the animal biology book she read told her that animal will only have sex when they in season, especially when they are in estrus…So what was wrong with that she thought?*

Sombra : No...Look Crystal...Unlike animals that only have sex when they are in heat, us ponies can have sex anytime we want, for there is no need to wait for the mares to be in heat. *He explained while worryingly looking at his princess. He noticed that she was not showing any signs of being in heat. He concluded that the reason why he don't notice her heat before was because she happened to have a *"silent heat" and why she exhibited such a rare occurrence must be because of her upbringing, her father the king raised her to be completely free from any sexual education. So even her body didn't know how to react once her first heat made itself known*

*Silent Heat Definition: Mares that exhibit no behavioural signs of estrus. Usually, these mares have normal ovarian cyclic activity, but they lack the behavioural signs of being in estrus.*

Crystal Heart : But how do ponies have offspring if they want to mate outside of mating season!? *Asked in confusion but also with curiosity. She always thought that conceiving a foal was the most important part of sex*

Sombra : Well....We ponies enjoy having sex outside of mating season because we just want to do it for passion and pleasure. You know what I mean my Crystal, afterall; didn’t you feel really good when we had sex? *He expressed to his princess while blushing from her innocent question.*

Crystal Heart : Yes…Very much so…Can we really have sex just for the passion and pleasure too Sombra? Is there really no need to have any other reason for it, even to have a foal? *Her understanding of sex began to broaden now and after thinking about what Sombra had said before, that he used to have sex with his female friends, she realized that no foals had come from those encounters. She began to understand that just maybe, sex can be used just for fun like Sombra had said*

Sombra : Yes...Many ponies just want to have sex because it makes them feel really good. They may want to indulge in this fun with their lover or a close friend, but they don't want to have a foal at that moment just yet. So many stallions always avoid trying to have sex while a mare is in heat. *As he explained this to Crystal Heart, she nodded with understanding*

Crystal Heart : So…I have a foal inside me now...Did I do something wrong Sombra? *She starts to worry, while she rubbed her belly with her soft hoof*

Sombra : Yes...And no...Normally, ponies only have foals when they think they are ready to take care of them. We normally don’t have foals until after marriage and please understand Crystal, we are not ready for it right now...Since our love exists in secret and your father doesn't even know about it... *He explains the sad facts to her, feeling sad that his words were bringing great sadness to his lover, as she started to look down towards the ground with a guilty and sad face.*

Crystal Heart : I'm sorry....I just....I didn’t know.... *She squeaked out, almost about to burst into tears.*

Sombra : Marriage between us is almost impossible...And the king is gonna kill me once he knows about this. *Sombra wanted to cry as well, but he had to be strong in front of his princess, his strength will give her strength. Even as he didn’t know what the king was going to do with him and his foal. What would the king do? Will he execute him and make his daughter raise their child alone? Or will he try to prevent the princess from giving birth by killing the foal while still inside Crystal Heart?*

Crystal Heart : C...Can't we keep it in secret? *She asked with a hopeful but trembling voice. Maybe she can keep her pregnancy secret too. Just like she kept the love between her and Sombra as a secret as well*

Sombra : No....I’m sorry Crystal....It is impossible to keep this a secret...Sooner or later. The signs of pregnancy will show on you and even if you can get through that stage, eventually you will give birth to our child and someone will have to know about it. But that doesn’t matter, since the king will know about it well before that anyway...We must tell him...right now... *Never in his life has Sombra ever feared something as badly like this before. He never thought that he would have to tell the king that he loved his daughter, especially just after took her innocence and virginity just moments before and just to top it all off that he had impregnated her… There could never be a poorer time and with even worse conditions to reveal this secret to her father...*

Crystal Heart : Sombra....I’m so afraid....Will my father take you away from me? *She looked at her lover with watery eyes*

Sombra : It's okay my sweet....Everything will be fine...*He brought his forelegs around Crystal and hugged his lover. They embraced with each other until they finally steeled themselves enough to face the consequences…ready to face the king…Crystal Heart’s father. So they left their secret base and walked down the ‘longest staircase’, down to the throne room, where the judgment of the king was waiting them, for better or worse, at least they both would face this trial together...*


This is my third Picture Series, dears. It is an original story that I have come up by myself this time. It isn't based on any story out here. [Or it might be similar to some story that I never read before...I'm not sure].

Beware, This is a mature story. Content includes romance and erotic themes. You have been warned...

*Proofread Completed*




Holy...What's going to happen to them :(


Ho boy. Well......She might NOT be pregnant. I mean it's not like it's instantaneous, there's a chance they could try something like a morning after pill and there's a chance he just didn't impregnate her. I mean a lot of pregnancies fail early on and there's always a chance.....maybe....that he's sterile. Hell maybe even her father did something just in case to prevent such a thing. Cause let's be real, he's kept her from that sort of thing her whole life and I mean if she were to somehow go out while in heat and something happened well.