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*Sorry for late post. I kinda oversleep from knock out again. Sorry!! >///<*


“It hard to not get erect when thinking about sexy mare"

This comic is a continue story of this picture => [Crazy Future Side Art] What are you fighting for?

Character Info

Character Card : Optimus

Character Card : Maregatron

I will update this comic 2-3 page per week. Since I want to balance my time for life and another comic too. Hope you understand...

*Proofread Completed*




*Phallus under attack!* "Activate defensive Sphinx stance!" XD

Drago Whooves

don't you hate it when some random pony starts licking your dick?


The last panel expression is gold and the cat-like posture is a nice touch as well, well done.


Loveless if you need to take time off to get a better sleep schedule, go right ahead can't have you dieing or in the hospital on use now can we plus the Lolz in the comic so far.