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Be careful with your comment. The life of young queen is in your hand now.

*Proofread Completed"




..... Guess it wouldn't hurt to look Around abit. Get closer and see if you can see or smell anyone around and inside the building


The guard seems to be asleep, try sneaking up to the top of the tower and get a bird's eye view, maybe you'll spot Spike before the guard wakes up.

Zanon Silvus

Double back and check the other path


You should also check the other paths so you have a better idea of which path would be the best to take.


If you are going to be spreading these updates out, I think you need to maintain some sort of narrative pull since the story is starting to seem a bit slow. If Young Queen is going out looking for Spike how does it make sense to do it alone? Wouldn't Applejack and Hybrid (and perhaps a good chunk of the Mane Six) go out looking for him as well? As a matter of fact, why do you even need Spike to deliver the letter... couldn't you and Twilight just send it via Derpymail? Also, since you have a diplomatic immunity tag, couldn't you just board a train to the Crystal Empire and deliver the letter in person to your father (no disguise necessary)? Contacting your bodyguard shouldn't be too difficult since he's bound to be captured again at some point while trying to keep an eye on you... Apart from that, keep up the good work Vavacung I really do like this story :)


Well first. Spike just go out to do his job. He is Gem Hunter. So why Applejack and Hybrid (Or Mane Six) need to find him? He isn't get kidnapped or anything. They have their own job to do after all. Second, Twilight can asked for Derpymail to send the letter. But it will took so many days for letter to be delivery back and forth. That why Twilight suggest to ask Spike. Since she think Spike might be at AJ home. Not so far place like this. He can send and get massage back in just few minute. And third. Diplomatic immunity tag only work in Ponyvile since it is Twilight territory. And the train having anti-disguise and also forbidden for Changeling to ride the train. And you really want Young Queen to go to Crystal Empire? To a place that have a king(Young Queen' father.) who push and order to all Royal Guard that Changeling is forbidden to cross the Badlands border? Crystal Empire don't allow any Changeling visit them. That why Young Queen need a bypass plan by bring him here instead. And for your very first. Do you wish for this story to end quickly? I can do it if everyone want and what we will do after it? A story of young queen's daughter? Another log of another character? Please just enjoy the moment, dear. No need to rush.

Julius Costa Peters

transform in something that have a silent flying and attack from behind to make him unconscious and alter the radio. Also i see a Far Cry reference here.


Perhaps it is some sort of training facility? Like a vertical obstacle course, since diamond dogs cannot fly, being able to do things towards the air would help them fight off potential aerial enemies. Perhaps you should try to go through the obstacle course yourself to see how you do.

Gunmetal Gator

Let's get Assassin's Creed on the tower. Climb it and knock out the watchdog.


go inside

Drago Whooves

The tower will provide a good vantage point to look for Spike, it might be an idea to disable that bell while you climb to the top


Think fast! it's an border patroll tower, you can see one watchdog, but in the area are other diamond dogs near, they go to w.c; and return soon. You can: Risk and try to go a frontal battle on gryphon form. But your bodyguard show now and help you with an open; he fight the watchdog and you destroy the bell and the radio, after this your bodyguard tell you about Spike. PD:Sorry i made a idea's rain.

Duke Of Donuts

Well, there really isn't any reason why she should go into that tower, something bad may happen and she isn't exactly Solid Snake. No CQC for her. She should probably head back and check a different path.


Go in sneeky for the chest behind the tower


Btw. Nice assassin's creed / Far Cry referenzes but i think we better go back and use another Path


Scout around the tower gently and quietly, might be some useful items you can find before you climb it, the guard appears to be asleep so chill out. References Galore, I bet were gonna end up using one of the 'conveniently placed' escapes later. :P