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Yes, the v2.0.4 with 50 new game events and a further storyline is ready!
It is currently in the testing stage and will be released soon.



This should have been done on this update. just trying to squeeze more money out of us just to add permissions. Since I hate the fog of war on the fiddley bits, I'll keep this one more month only. For a really old game four months at $7.00 is a lot of money, so let's finish it up on the next update please or I'll just play the original English Version with the fog of war.


I'm sorry if you're disappointed. I said from the very beginning that the game is not made for sale, Patreon is only support from those who really want to do it and who like what I do. I have no goal to please everyone and even more so to squeeze your money. Porting a large amount of code and adapting it to a new platform really takes a lot of time and effort. If you do not have the possibility and/or the desire to support me, this is your right, there is no problem. If you want, you can come back here when the work on the port is completely finished. For my part, I am doing everything possible to speed up this process, but, unfortunately, I do not have the possibility to do it 24/7. I apologize again.


In any case, I am grateful to you for the support already provided, regardless of your further decision.


may the special mod from 2.0.3 work on 2.0.4 version?


what i do when i already have 2.0.3?


Special mods are specific for different versions, because they contain graphics for several scenes. So if you copy 2.0.3 mod to 2.0.4 version, it may cause "file not found" errors for the game events introduced in the new version.


To upgrade your 2.0.3 version you can just replace the whole game folder with the files of new version or reinstall if you used an install program. All your save data will be kept.


well teach me of move or something order would nice


so just move "game"folder to it?


Yes, you can replace the 'game' folder with the new one or just repeat same steps as during the initial installation.


so when a new version will be posted? Will special mod release at the same time with main game?


2.0.4 is tested at 75% now, I'm going to finish testing today. If so, it will be posted tomorrow, and special mod at the same time, of course.