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I am resuming the publication of an infographic about the progress of the development of the next version of the game.

Currently, version 2.0.4 is being developed, in which 50 new game events are planned (200 in total), which should cover all possible events at the 3rd and 4th feeling levels and further development of the game's plot.



Sorry but I waited all month and thought it's done but found it was not, felt a little cheated and another month {S__t} waiting. Hate waiting, also thought it would be easier since it's an older game. But I'll admit I can be impatient


I know not of what I speak so please excuse me if this is a ridiculous ask, but is there any chance future updates could allow players to repeat tasks which will ultimately lead to further progression that has not yet been added to the game? For example in 2.0.3 you allowed players to repeat the construction site event so they could continue to make money even though there is further progression to that story thread not yet implemented. As I've been playing 2.0.3 I've found my progression cut short by not realizing I needed to, for example, farm shame on the night train or masturbate at a particular time of night because I progressed those story lines enough that I can't repeat the actions any more, thus I can't access parts of the game that have been implemented without starting entirely over. Again I'm not sure if this is too big an ask and I don't want to ask for something that would hamper the overall production in any way, just something I wanted to bring up for your consideration. Apologies for the long comment.


Yes, I also thought about it, and I would have done so initially if the game had been developed from scratch, and not ported from the finished Japanese original. Now it makes no sense to do this for feeling levels, since they are all ready in 2.0.4, but I will probably do it for shame levels (more precisely, I will just temporarily forbid this level to grow to values for which the script has not yet been implemented). Thank you for your valuable comment.