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Please vote for the winner of Light Build category

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Voting will be close on 09/30/2018




Kris! Maybe she will move up to the heavyweight/hulk out category. :)


I vote for Shari. Kidding. I know she is off vote


Now that I'm seeing the entire light weight lineup again, I kind of feel like some of them look too big to be in this category. Take Maria for instance, her build looks extremely similar to my character, Mikiri, who was in the heavyweight category.


I'mma vote for my girl Mayu cuz I'm biased like that :P


True, Maria may be a little on the bigger side. Poor Mayu doesn't have a chance :(. Maria must be right under the weight limit for the light division lol


Do it, bro. Currently she's my second fave (and I may change my current choice to show support) but I still think she's super cute :) I hope in the future we can see more art from some of the contestants from PoP.


Omg stil going nuts over Kris! :) You did an amazing job drawing her for me!