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Hey, guys! Sorry I've been pretty quiet around here. I've got two new pieces of art allllmost ready, but they're both kinda coming down to the wire. I was thinking about posting something not quite complete, but I realized I've got one other piece lying around that, while it's not gonna be going in the game, I think came out pretty neat!

Pretty much ever since I first came up with Lith, I've felt like he needed something particular done with his hair. It's always been messy, but I want it to have a certain... character to the mess, you know? But I've never been able to find a good way to make that happen, and trying to concept it with different artists has had middling results.

Well, I finally sat down with Mz Nite, who's done some very pretty work for the game already, and we worked a lot on refining Lith's look. Above is what we've come up with so far. The lower right is the version I mucked around with for a couple hours trying to get the feeling just right, and in the upper left is the cleaned up and refined version Mz Nite made from that and fine tuned with a little more feedback. That upper left image is the closest I've ever gotten to actually being happy with Lith's look.

So! Mz Nite is working on some really awesome looking art for the game right now, and we're discussing future possibilities as well. Look forward to some pretty nice eye candy in the days to come!




Lith looks So cute, whenever I play the game I want to tossle that cat's messy hair.


The always cute Lith.


Hm... Now that I look at him, he looks like kind of belongs in Final Fantasy IX with this artwork.


You think so? x3 I do love that game, maybe that influenced me somehow.