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Was a little conflicted going into this one. I was talking about cutting down the number of options to make it a little easier to pick and maybe see a little more unity in the votes, but I've also got a fair few ideas bouncing around to add!

Well, as it turns out, we've had several options that weren't seeing much love, so I decided to go ahead and cut two of the least popular additions. This means we're down to three options carrying forward from past votes, and there's room for two new ones! Let me know if this feels a little less overwhelming, or if you'd rather have a bigger buffet of choices to pick between.

Last version, you guys voted in the reversed Imitation Soda. This time around, I'm adding The Dildo and More Flirting as options! Let me know what you'd most like to see added to the game!

Here are the details for each option:

Expanded statuses
: Playing through the game and swapping saves, I've noticed it can be a little hard to be sure of what all is going on or has been achieved in a given file at a glance. For this option, I would add more detail and variants to the descriptive summaries you see on the base screen with Lith and when using Look at Lith, and develop a richer display on the save file management screens.

Hard Mode: An idea I've had in the back of my head for a long time. This would make the game more realistic and more brutally difficult: all the options are available from the start, but if you try to do something before Lith is ready, it may damage your relationship. You'd have to guess and use your own sensibilities to proceed cautiously and try to get Lith to warm up to you.

More achievements
: Everyone loves achievements, right? As we near the end of the game, maybe it's time to start adding some more meta-achievements for accomplishing various conditions over multiple runs or otherwise doing something exceptional. These would both serve as hints to content you haven't found and as challenges for those that want a new goal for another playthrough.

The Dildo: This is a request I've seen here and there for some time, and I've been somewhat interested in putting it in, if only to help people miss out on less content. Being able to summon a dildo could offer a new scene or two, but the main point of this would be to let the Avatar use a strap-on to enjoy all the scenes oriented around a "male" player character, possibly with some kind of magic way to feel what your prosthetic dick feels, so we could basically convert most of the scenes in the game to be compatible easily.

More Flirting: The section for flirting with Lith was designed with room for expansion. It makes a half-decent sort of bridge between the early and mid-game as an alternative way to unlock content, and a lot of the content tends to be pretty cute and a little sexy. Voting for this would see a few new, small scenes thrown in along those lines.

Some of these will require more time than others, so we'll see how much I can get done in one update along with all the normal content! For now, just let me know which of these sound most interesting to you!

Remember: you can vote for multiple options!


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