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Not gonna lie, I'm kind of hoping that some of you will be like "OH, WHOA, WHAT?" when you read this one. Hell, when you just read the title! If you know, you know. If you don't know, you're gonna find out, in part thanks to this updated description!

Chris has walked by the mysterious nightclub "Snake Eyes" nearly every day on his walk back from work. There's a risk that it's run by the mysterious shape-shifting organisms known as Body Shifters — known for feeding on human sperm and typically taking the form of beautiful women — but at this point, it's getting hard to care. If his suspicions are correct, at least he'll know what he's getting into... Right?

You can read Snake Eyes here!

The "Body Shifters" setting has been one that I've seen a fair number of authors write in. Well, "fair number" here meaning, like, three or four. I guess make that four or five now? The idea is a really appealing one in a real self-indulgent kind of way, especially when the idea of hypnotic "variants" are introduced.

However, there's a problem I with a lot of the stories written for the setting, one that  consistently pops up. In a world full of hypnotic shape-shifting women, the men somehow invariably end up in control. That makes absolutely no sense to me, and thus it will not be happening here.

Make no mistake, though: this is smut.

The original idea I had for this specific piece was that "Snake Eyes" was going to feature a few different types of "snake-themed" Shifters, but I figured it would kind of be too busy to have, like, three different Shifters with one power each, so I just rolled those three powers into one Shifter. Problem solved! Plus, I really like the idea of a "Nagarani," ostensibly the female equivalent of a Nagarana/raja.

As always, thank you so much for your support and for all your patience. I hope you enjoy!



Yeah, I did go a bit "whoa" when I saw this ^^ Another three great stories from you to read, nice! Femdom erotica for the win.

Matthew Lindquist

I respectfully request that you check your DMs.