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Important note, at the top so you can't avoid it!

Moira, Ben, and Lucy are original characters designed and created by Shozaya! You can find her Patreon here and her Twitter here!

Another story! This one's got an updated description now, too!

Ben has gotten used to living with his new roommate Lucy the ghost, even if her "living" circumstances are somewhat...different. Now there's the problem of Moira the witch, though, and it's a problem that's only going to get worse now that Ben's soul is bound to Moira. She can come after him whenever and wherever, and if their first encounter is anything to go off of, he's absolutely powerless to resist her...

You can read Mesmerizing Moira here!

As some of you will undoubtedly be aware, this is actually a story written using Shozaya's characters! Ben, Lucy, and Moira are all her creations, and the dynamic between Ben and Moira is one that I could not resist writing about. A terrible, evil witch pursuing a hapless nerd who happens to find himself caught up in something he can't possibly handle? Sign me the fuck up.

I was actually really nervous writing this one! It's one matter to write up your own characters, but it's another matter entirely to write someone else's! Would Moira be mean enough? Was she going after Ben for the right reasons? Was Lucy capable of "walking" around with the shoes she's haunting? Would Moira's landlady allow her to make unauthorized alterations to her apartment? Would any alterations really be "unauthorized" if Moira was "allowed" to make them?

Thankfully, it seemed as if my worrying was for naught. Shozaya seemed to really like the story, and I hope you will, too!

As always, thank you so much for your patience and your support!


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