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If you ever want to get something done, you should probably not wait until it's Christmas time to do so. Of course, I more mean shopping when I say that! Writing's a breeze no matter what time of year it is!

Anyway, this post has two of the stories I've had on my backlog for a good long while, so I'm finally getting caught up to the point where I've cleared everything I said I would write! Past that, it's going to be all new writing, so just enjoy these in the meantime!

Presented for your perusal are Chance or Trance as well as the fourth chapter of Marital Habits. Chance or Trance is so tame as to almost be Safe For Work, I'd wager (even if my lawyers won't let me say so explicitly), but Marital Habits is assuredly not. Either way, I hope you enjoy them both! Let me know what you think either here or by sending me a message!

As always, I appreciate your support more than words could possibly express, and I hope you all had, have, and will continue to have happy holidays!