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oh jesus that title sounds a lot grosser than i meant it to

Anyway, hi! I'm back! Or rather, I'm here again!

As some of you may already be aware, I've been writing for Fenoxo's Trials in Tainted Space lately. It's been such an honor to work with a writer who's had such an impact on my writing, and I'm honestly kind of thrilled that he considers my writing to be good enough to put in the game!

That being said, I've finished up the first "major" addition I wanted to offer up to Fenoxo for TiTS, so now that I've finished working with him for the time being, I want to get caught up on writing my own things again. Working on some writing for TiTS has been great in getting the rust off, but it's an entirely different beast when it comes to what actually gets written.

In case you don't have any interest in playing TiTS (which is a real shame, considering how much work goes into it from Fenoxo as well as a team of other extremely talented writers) I've uploaded the things I've written for it right here! I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them, and please look forward to more stories from me very soon!



These are fantastic! I really love Alexandra the Great, and more goblin stories are always a treat. :)


These are great