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Hey, everybody!

So, I finally got around to updating my Patreon page, and I want to make a post detailing what's new, what's different, and what's the same. I don't want there to be any confusion about what's happening. You should all know exactly what you're pledging to support and what you should expect in turn.

To that end, I'll address the big changes:

  • Adjusted Pledge Tiers  —  While some of the tier pledges that I initially made were nice to present, they weren't sustainable. I don't want people supporting me under the pretense that they'll be getting something that I won't be able to actually deliver on, so I made some changes to what you'll get at each tier, along with phasing out the $4 and $5 tiers. Certainly you can pledge more than $1, $2, or $3 — and I would be very flattered if you did! — but I don't want anyone pledging more than they "have" to.
  • Expanded Profile — I expanded the "About Me" section of my Creator page to better explain what I'm offering and what you should expect from my patron-funded posts. I also made a link to a few writers and creators that have influenced me and my works if you're interested in seeing!
  • Adjusted Pledge Goals — I made a few changes to what goals there are for total pledge amounts and added a few more past the two I had initially. The reason for making this change in particular is because I'm now going to start working on...
  • Twine CYOA Stories — I hit the original $55 pledge goal! And sure, I'm anticipating some patrons adjusting their pledges in the wake of these changes, but now is as good a time as ever to start working on this. As I mentioned in my updated About Me section, Fenoxo's Corruption of Champions is a big influence on my writing, and with Twine, I can finally start working on making something similar!

 I think that sums up the big changes, but if there's anything you want to ask specifically, I encourage you to send me a Message over Patreon so I can clear up any confusion there may be.

And as always, thank you so much for your support!