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No, this story isn't an early April Fool's Day joke, even if the name may suggest otherwise. It's a real term, and I highly suggest that you all look it up if you don't believe me!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy! I apologize for the one-two-three punch of the last few days, but hopefully the story makes up for it. I'll admit, my inspiration was kind of faltering until I read the excellent story Hearthside Haze by GigglingGoblin. In fact, I even slipped a reference to her in the story itself! Can you find it?

I've been wanting to write another story featuring goblins proper, given that they're pretty much one of the hottest fantasy races in the fantasy world for my money, and while this one may not be as sizzling as GigglingGoblin's latest work (seriously, check it out, it's amazing) this one definitely has some kick to it. Don't believe me? Just ask Leonard!

Thank you so much for your support, and I hope you enjoy!



Ah Number Theory.

Chew Toy

Aw! Now this is just adorable. :)