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Upscale by 2x and 4x for your SDXL images! Fix details is coming soon too.

p.s. there has been a bug with Patreon subscriptions due to Patreon changing their API, I am working on a fix now



Ed Smallwood

If that image were any sharper it would have cut me as I scrolled.

Cristian Perez

Love it. That's all I've been using. It woukd be nice to have inpainting or fix details for sdxl. Sometimes it makes a perfect render but it'll have messed up teeth or eyes are different. But recently starting checking the "detailed" tag at the bottom and its been working a little better. It would be amazing if there was a way for it to save faces and be able to reuse that same face for a different render.


I have found a quick work around for those that are trying to fix details. Sometimes you have to try this a few times, but if you hit it just right it'll work. This is a good work around until Pen brings us the update. It requires 2 hands. When you refresh that image, you'll see a "fix details" very quickly appear in green. You have to be very fast and sometimes it'll take you to the subscribe screen, but if you hit it just right, it'll start on fixing details. It'll also give you that at around 500px, but you can get that bigger as well. i think waiting on this update is a good idea because doing it my way can be a bit frustrating, but again, it's just a temp fix. It works, but you'll need patience.