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You can now download a .gif file when you open an animation! The default format is .mp4, but some sites support .gif files better (for example, Reddit or Twitter). GIF files are larger and lower quality, but they usually loop automatically and are easier to embed. Enjoy!




Use the Topaz Video AI tool for the clips, you can super optimize the clips, better quality and more frames per second.

Ed Smallwood

Anyone having issues being stuck with the Women: Legacy generator and nothing else? I'm frequently getting stuck on that one now and it won't switch to any other for no obvious reason.


Sometimes that happens when you Use Tags from an upscaled image


The pro servers are currently experiencing issues.


Been getting that for the 3 past days. Not quite sure what's even the point of subbing, when the only pro feature that works is uncropping


Fun feature, I like it,going to videos perhaps .. :) thanks !! 1- Would it be possible to have a counter to the nearest second allowing us to see where we are in the remaining time counter? Actually, we have this message : "Please wait 30 seconds between videos" 2- Maybe it's an absurd idea, but I think the cut between the end of the gif and the beginning (ok, it's a gif) isn't great. In the past, when I made gifs, I made sure that there was an infinite loop so that we didn't see this cut. Basically, wouldn't it be better if the gif was made in reverse so that there was an infinite loop of the video without interruption between the end and the beginning? I don't know if I was clear... lol 3- Is the subscription to you directly possible and less expensive than subscribing through Patreon ? if this solution already exists, how to achieve ? Thanks for you excellent work !


Hello, when are the clips longer than just 2sec ;)


Hello, when are the clips longer than just 2sec ;)