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Here's the last panel filled in. I might color the rest minus the animated panel and charger for it when I can find the time.

The surgery went well, no complications. The power port is in my chest and I'm ready for the first day of chemo on Monday. I'm in surprisingly good spirits. That might be the oxycodone talking. :P

I'll try and stick to the Wednesday Update schedule. Hopefully the chemo won't drain me of all my energy and I'll be able to get some hours in next week.





hope everything goes well my friend !!!!!!


Very very nice man


Keep pushing, man! The sketch up looks good!


I love you IronMan Pit


I am glad everything went through for you man!


Glad to hear everything went well Pit. Also glad to see more of Ivana. She's my favorite of all your women.

Jet’s NSFW 18+

Wow another good page. Glad to hear the surgery went well. Have you ever considered teaching other artist or having anyone work under your guidance?


Dude your a savage still cranking out work while in this condition. 👍🏾


Hey man, your Social Media guy told me to check out what's going on. So sorry to hear you're so ill, hoping the best for you and a speedy recovery!


Coloring this without the best panel would be SO wrong Pit. I don’t think I could support you after that lol.


Take your time and rest well. We are all rooting for you!! Strength and honor!!


I needed help to so I googled and this helpful resource came up: <a href="http://www.niceup.com/patois.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.niceup.com/patois.html</a>


Stay strong


Good to hear everything went well and good luck with your chemo. Can't wait to see this page finished!


Do you still intend to make animated shorts? The world needs pit-erotic hentai anime!


Well coloring the animation will take some time. I'll get it done though. Please Don't leave me! :( ;)


Glad to see the surgery went well! Take the time to recover more than anything!

BBC Waifu

Great Work. Cancer can't take away your skill and talent. Keep up the good spirits. Remission is close at hand!


Hope you feel better pit! Your artwork and talents are forever gracious man.


As much as I love to admire and respect your artwork I rather recommend you to concentrate on your health first man, please dont be too harsh to get to work you have my support in every way!


I hope you're alright


Hey Pitt. I just became a patron. I'm a big fan of your work and have been for years. Your work was actually among the first I'd ever seen when I started looking at adult art back in 2009. I only recently found out about you Hentai foundry page and patreon. I was so excited, and then I saw the updates regarding your health. I was really saddened to hear about it but I'm glad that things are going well so far. As much as I want to see more work from you, please stay healthy man. I wish you luck! I hope you get better soon!


Sorry to hear about the health issues dude! I had surgery back around Christmas and couldn't visit my family as a result, This letter from Seneca definitely made me feel better, I hope maybe it will help you too: <a href="http://www.stoics.com/seneca_essays_book_1.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.stoics.com/seneca_essays_book_1.html</a>#PROVIDENCE1