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I think we could all see where that was headed from the first panel. The last panel won't be the end of this little Damballah adventure. If you all don't mind I'd like the entire Damballah Island series to be eternal, meaning there will be no ending. It'll simply be updated sporadically and with no attention to story. It'll be the repository for pure smut. Any objections to that and I'll have to revoke your membership.

I have surgery tomorrow. It's nothing major but they'll be putting me under and I'll be out of it for a while. Depending on how I feel I'd like to keep working on this and into the weekend before the chemo starts on Monday. Monday- Friday I'll be at the hospital basically all day. I doubt I'll find time to work.

I just want to say before I talk to you again that all of you have given me strength to get through this. I've read every one of your well wishes and my only regret is that I haven't thanked you all individually for your support and kindness. You are a blessing to a cynical man. I have nothing but love for you.





Putting in the port, right? You got this, man. I've had a few friends go through this and they've all come out the other side. You will, too. Thanks for thinking about us. I guess it makes for a good distraction.

Jay Dot

Couldn't be happier to hear about damballah, but I'm sad to hear about the surgery.


Yay I was hoping my favorite coxville girl would show up and best of luck with everything your going through man just go at a pace that comfortable to you


Love you Pit. Just take your time, relax. Don't stress anything. As far as work goes, I don't mind if you put everything on hold either. Anyone should understand. You'll always have my support.


From one cynic to another, fighting is one thing to keep on trying. Everyone will root for you, one thing they all ask, don't give up so easily.


Good luck, brother


Keep fighting my dude.


This already looks amazing! Good luck tomorrow, hope everything goes well for you.


Just think... tomorrow, you're a cyborg! Stay strong, and keep your sense of humor. May your attending nurse look like Ms. Swallows!!


Fuck cancer.

pornluva 77

You had me at DID! One of the greatest untold stories, ever! I wish you all the best my friend!


Any chance of some Damballah animations in the future as well? Also best of luck!


I thought you were doing a quick pinup instead of Hot Meal because it would be quicker and easier. Instead you just started a whole comic page from scratch instead of coloring the pages you already have sketched out. I don't get it, how is this easier? This makes no sense.


Looks like Ivy's in for a 3 course meal. =)


You da man PiT! We're with you brother!


Good luck to you man. And don't worry. You'll beat this.


"Damballah Island has gained a reputation for shoddy carpentry due to the number of gloryholes in every wooden surface." - Wikipedia This comic page is hot *and* contains some fun ideas. Which is the best kind of comic page.


Hope it goes well and you have a swift recouvery


Go where the Muse takes you Pit! And best wishes for your health and happiness.


Always love Damballah updates. Maybe they´re even my favourite ones. But let´s put that stuff aside for now: Best of luck man. Be well.


Love the idea about Damballah Island :) Good luck and get well.


Going to project my well wishes telekinetically across the globe hoping they'll do you good, and help you do your best!


Good luck bro, hope everything goes well, God Bless.

per arvidsson

I wish you all the best through these trying times all the best from my end

The Hunter

From one cynic to another, don't let the bullshit beat you down keep fighting


Keep well and stay focused on whatever.

The Hunter

Also, can't wait to see Anya, Sammy, Candy, Kat and all the other Coxville women taking a trip to island!


Awesome stuff. She's the best in my opinion. Hope to see some more of her. Rock on, get well soon.


Dude. Finish this shit already. Get it colored.