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Hello everyone,

I've been healing up from my surgery really well. I've still got some more doctor stuff to take care of soon and realistically this will be part of my life for a few more months, and half a year for the scar tissue to settle down. I'm not actually out of the woods when it comes to what's ailing me. I appreciate your patience while I get better.

I've had lots of time to think about the best way to reward patrons and how to capitalize on my work. I put out too much free work to patrons and I'm not using them as rewards for different tiers. So that's going to change. No one is losing anything they are already paying for. Every tier is either staying the same or getting something added to it. The only difference will be that things that were free often will no longer be treated as scraps. 

Here's how it'll break down.

1$ Tier: You're entitled to JPEG quality images of pinups and comic pages created for a charged post.

2$ Tier: You're entitled to PNG quality images and sketches for pinups and comic pages created for charged posts. I'm going to also include random sketches scattered throughout the month as part of the reward for this tier.

5$ Tier: You get everything below and also any sketch or loose animations created for a charged post. Animations are not guaranteed for every charged post. It will take some time to find a work flow that allows me to make animations for everything I create. (I'm advising you to hold off on this tier if you are expecting lots of animations immediately.)

10$ Tier: This tier is dedicated to access to fully colored animations along with everything else in the lower tiers. These will be the hardest projects to finish and will take the longest to complete. The animations will be GIF format and eventually the hope is that they will be compiled and edited to be 3-4 minute videos with music and audio. (I'm also advising anyone interested in this tier to either be patient with the progress or avoid it all together. I'm creating this tier for people who are interested in seeing me animate. I'm not guaranteeing every charged post will include a fully colored animation starting off. I would advise anyone interested in this tier to hold off until I've started finding a decent work flow.)

I will be better about sticking to my Wednesday Updates. I will try and include update information regarding all of the tiers. So no matter which tier you pledge to, there will be some news in the update that keeps you informed so that you can make sure you're in the right tier for you. 

The changes will take place on the 1st of February. Any questions, comments or insights are welcome. 




Yes, I'm planning on doing the regular Wednesday Update as well as follow up charged posts for related comic pages as I finish them before these new tiers are implemented in February.


Glad to hear you're on the mend. Remember to exercise (without being overly strenuous) rather than take it easy. It really does help with recovery times. Plus, it helps with mental health as well. I'm looking forward to what you have in store for us in the new year!


I would be fine with paying 10 just like you said keep us updated on when things work out so those that want to can change to that tier

Explosive Plastic

Agreed! I'd kind of asked for this before. It's nice to know what you're missing out on, sometimes, as long as it doesn't feel like it's being rubbed in our faces.


Hey Pit! Glad your feeling better and I hope you fully recover! The new system sounds fair, but, maybe since your not saying the animated stuff is guaranteed why not also send a zip file of completed comics to the $5 and $10 tiers? Just a thought. Anyway, nobody is rushing you so take the time you need to recover.

PSN: Kalil86

Good to know your doing better and healing up nicely for whatever the case maybe. That is most important! Just inform us on the status of the different tiers before February, for instance... if subscribers to the current tiers will be changed automatically or will have to change manually on February 1st. Clarification on this is very important, I don't mind shelling out ten bucks for your work as you already know, but knowing of what I'll be getting for the additional five bucks is good to know and gives your patrons peace of mind. Cheers! Get well~


Merci pour l'information et surtout bon rétablissement


I am delighted to hear that you are recovering well and hope everything is going smooth.


Hey Pit, glad to know all is going well and wishing the best on a speedy recovery. In regards to the higher tiers, will you still let people who have not signed up for the higher tiers know when those are ready/finished? Or when you personally are ready to move forward with such things? I'd love to support those, if financially possible, but like you said I'd rather wait so as to save money and I'd like to know when would be the best time to do such a thing.


Awesome! Glad you're OK, Pit! I hope you overcome anything in your path and keep a positive flow in your life and work. Take care


Thanks for the info. Health and good luck!


What tier HammerTyme animations belong to?

John Doe

Is the $10 tier the only one that gets animations?


I would also like this explained, but as I understand it, that top tier is basically a way to help fund his more elaborate, full animated comic pages, where every panel is animated and colored. Not sure who or how we will get to see them. But I would trust the $2 and $5 tiers still get to see Pit+Hammer animations and other ones Pit likes to do. Personally I would be interested in maybe staggering release of stuff, such that the top tiers may get to see previews and some final versions first. Lots of other patreons function this way, but idk if Pit likes that idea.