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I'm currently staying with family trying to get some rest and make plans for the future. My relationship with Michelle has become impossible to maintain as it's completely dysfunctional due to a psychotic break she suffered last year. It manifested schizophrenia and I've tried everything to get her the help she needs. She spent weeks at mental health facilities. She's resisted everything and now it's time for me to go. There's nothing I can do to help her because she's in denial about her diagnosis. She refuses to leave and live with her mother. She refuses to work or do anything around the apartment. I pay for everything and do everything. I'm exhausted dealing with her and all the responsibility involved while also being abused.

I'm aware that the plans I made at the start of the month and the promise to keep you informed and updated have already fallen through. Life has a way of throwing the best laid plans in your face and laughing at you. I have hesitated to update because I am embarrassed by my failures. Shortly after posting my plans for the future she became impossible to deal with. She harbors delusions, has hallucinations, becomes irrational and confrontational. I ended up sleeping in my office on the floor to avoid her. This has happened multiple times over the past 20 months. This was the last straw.

I'm setting up a new work station in a new location and I'll be working every day until the end of the month to try and get something finished for you.

I'm sorry to you and Michelle.



Je suis avec vous !

Lord of Debauchery

Please stay safe and calm friend. Try to stay positive for yourself.


Don't feel like you have to rush anything. We should all understand private personal matters come first.


Take care of yourself brother. If Michelle really wanted to be with you, she would have gotten the help she need. You did your best. Now find some happiness.

John C

Really sorry to hear that pit, but it's good that you putted yourself first this time, think that you re doing something for the best of both of you.. keep trying, it sounds like you re decided in this and clear, good for you, be strong!

John Coffe

Man im so sorry for you. Mental problems are very hard to deal with especially for all the people around. Hope everything goes well, you can do it!

Fenris Comix

I've found that plans are just a series of events that don't happen. I hope you get yourself into a healthier headspace. As someone also struggling with environmental difficulties, I totally understand. I'm just happy I get to see some new stuff from you on occasion. Work when you can, but take care of yourself buddy.


Take your time. Rest up and we'll be here when you get back.


Dude...run. Don't walk. Run.


Nothing but good wishes from here buddy. Sorry it couldn’t work, but glad you are moving in a good direction!


Been there, man. It'll be rough, but you'll be thankful when you're out of it all.

