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This month I will be busy trying to tie up loose ends so I can have a clear mental workspace for Woven and The Gang. I'm adding a third comic to the mix to broaden the themes a little. The Hypnos comic is popular and it filled a niche that people liked. In its place will be Liberty & Justice. My characters with an original story. It's already been written/outlined and I'll likely move immediately to it once my unfinished work is wrapped up. This will give me a good split between a focus on writing and producing something consistent that people will enjoy. Side projects will make appearances at random. They're for me to grab onto whenever inspiration strikes or I get tired of repetition and need a break.  

So to break it down:

A. Writing

   1. Liberty & Justice

   2. The Gang

   3. Woven 

B. Finishing projects

   1. Damballah Beach Fun

   2. Hypnos

   3. ???

C. Side projects

   1. Brady Bunch Parody 

   2. Free Pinups

   3. Animations

   4. ???

Brady Parody (shorts/pinups) and animations associated with those or established ideas will be charged posts. 

Any random pinups that you weren't expecting will be free from now on. 

No more end of the month scramble to make things. I get it done by being consistent from now on. No more panicking at the last minute because I was frozen with anxiety and overwhelmed for a month. 

Any long breaks of more than a week will be announced. If I ever put work on hold I will make it known. I have some important real life projects that need my attention coming up soon.



I've been hype for the gang concept and liberty and justice teaser we got. I'd really like to see what you got cookin for the story!


Awesome outline you have and the goals too! =D


I’m most excited for the gang, love scooby doo. I understand the need to finish the other projects to a satisfactory degree, just hope there is a decent enough chunk so the ending doesn’t feel rushed. Particularly for Hypnos.


It was only ever meant to feature Power Girl and Darkseid. The continuation was a poor choice on my part. I should have just finished it instead of extending it.


Loving the renewed focus and energy! Can't wait to read all these new projects as well!


I'm excited for more Liberty and Justice. And the for fantasy fun in Woven!


Yeah man, you can do it! Believe in you.


I understand where you’re coming from. I don’t want to put too much pressure on you. It’s just that Batman and WonderWoman scene is just too good not to see. But maybe that could be reworked into a different mini project down the road if it’s too much?

John C

I can't believe it.. You re really full motivated!, Thanks pit, for me, write the gang, finish minotaur next door/Hypnos, side project Brady girls.


Sounds great, if you haaven't already started on pin up ideas this month I'd love to see an Elvira tribute in your style


you seem to be gaining energy! that's good!

Curtis Willis

This sounds like a well thought out plan… I’m all in on ‘The Gang’… I’ve been onboard with your pinups/animations of Daphne/Velma in the past few years. Liberty/Justice also intrigues me… I really want to see to outcome of Hypnos, PG/DS we’re phenomenal… For your side projects I’d love to see you revisit the ‘Bimbo Bomb Girls’… I’m sure that’s one we’d all like to see come to fruition…


This sounds freaking awesome. Looking forward to it.


The end of this post hasn't aged well as of yet 😅