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Because it was so nicely requested, I'm making this post a public Q&A that I'll revisit from time to time and answer questions about me, my art, and art in general. 




I think I'll just keep it short and ask only 3 questions for now. 1. I've always wondered... Are you black or do you just love interracial? 2. Do you plan on making videos or good quality gifs in the future? 3. Who is your favorite artist?


Will we ever see the Jay Marvel/Shiin/The Pit Carmeria comic & when will the 2 hot blondes hunt for big black cock comic end. Love your work keep it up!!


If I end the Hunt comic it will be on John's website. I want to finish my Carmia comic at some point but it will likely not be charged for as it's not my characters and was something to do for fun.


1. I'm a white male mut who likes interracial. 2. I plan on handing out 3D models of my characters at some point in the future. 3. Kevin Taylor was my biggest inspiration when I started.


1. Favorite movie?


Thanks for doing this Pit. I wondered how you got started with your art and if you do this full time or have another job.


2. Favorite music artist/band? 3. Favorite book? 4. Favorite comedian?


I know you love bimbos (me too since I'm here XD) but what do you think of other kinks, like muscular women?


Who do credit as your biggest influences in your drawing style, and who do you think sneaks their way in subconsciously?


Do you like futa? Do you talk to rabies and michi for ideals?


Would you ever draw your patrons?


Any inclination to do more parody art? Velma and Daphne? Or maybe other cartoons with hot girls? Or maybe Star Wars?


I was also wondering along those lines as well. Maybe a lucky person can win a raffle or something down the road.


Who do you think would win in a fight: The Incredible Hulk, or The Incredible Hulk's weight in bees?

Abraham McNeil

How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?


Would you ever be open to doing commissions?


Any chance you would do more "fat Albert" or make a poll on cartoon hot chicks you would like to see bimbofied ?


What is it you're into, in terms of what it is you draw? Do you do what you do now because its what you like, or because it pays the bills, and if its the latter - what would you rather branch out into?


I have always loved your work. Its cool when you have introduced some variety. Like futa and different ethnicities. Supermanxpowergirlxsupergirl is a favorite of mine as well as the dmitry style one you did. Can we hope to see more of those?


Obviously only a fraction of what you create end up online. How often do you scrap a piece because it did not turn out the way you wanted it?


I'm into cartoon bimbos when it comes to drawing to make money. Other than that I like dark themed scifi, mecha and surrealist horror to relax and get creative.


Futa is not really a favorite of mine. Some times it's hot some times it's not. I appreciate the artists that do futa. I think the more variety that's out there, the better.


Kevin J Taylor is my biggest influence. I wouldn't know who sneaks in subconsciously. That's something I don't really think about. ;)


The hyper muscle look isn't really my thing. I don't really care what people's kinks are. Some are weirder than others but I don't judge people or their kinks. Fuck and let fuck, I say.


Tool is probably my all time favorite band. I don't read a lot of books. The Dark Tower series I enjoy a lot. Louie CK is my go to funny man at the moment.


I've been drawing since I was a little kid and never stopped. The porn though started when I hit puberty. I've been self employed as an artist for a while now.


I have a bad habit of scrapping sketches and also trashing half finished work. Probably 1 in 5 things I start end up getting finished and presented. The rest end up in the ether.


are gonna do some white men on black women comics? some times?


Will we see work with a monster or alien theme? Like big, bestial-types such as minotaurs or dragons? :D One of my favorite images of yours, was that sketch you did of the Lara Croft-esque gal confronting a giant minotaur.


Your style has changed pretty drastically from what it used to be. How did that come about? Were you getting bored with the old one?


Will you still be doing Housewives content? Some of the Nurse Swallows/Bianca pics are favorites of mine.


Will you ever return to pool party? I love your work it's just that when I saw the concept for it on JP's site I got so hyped for it and then I got to read stormbringer's text story for it, only for it to just stop. I'm just hoping that it gets finished someday as the artwork for it was out of this world! Thx anyway I'm just glad your back in some form.


Any kind control stuff or hypnotic stuff ??


I was wondering what kind of program do you use for your drawings. I am new to digital art and I wanted your opinion on where should I start to draw since there are so many options. Thanks


I've been using various versions of Photoshop for everything I've done. Photoshop CS2 is free. It's old but it's a solid program.


Any plans for more video game girls?

Angel Uriel

I'm into mature ladies. I always wondered if Jenny's mom will make an appearance in some fashion here or if you ever had an idea for her. Do you think that is something that would interest you?


I think it was a matter of transitioning to purely digital work and also trying to evolve a style that I was comfortable with and felt good about. I've slowly moved away from "realism" and more towards exaggerated proportions and the absurd.


I have a project in the works that involves the entire house wives ensemble. It's a big project on an epic scale and I've barely scratched the surface with sketches.

Space Banker

1. Where do you think the future of porn lies? 2. How has commercial adult artwork shaped the porn industry? 3. Are you interested in the idea of sex robots? 4. Do your friends and family know what you do for a living, and if so, what do they think?


Hi! The new 'Lowbeam Ladies' you introduced back on JP and then revisited on your tumblr (Molly and the gang), do you have a plan for them? Kandy Vs Lowbeam would be an epic showdown brahaha. Looking forward to all your work but as you've already introduced them I thought I'd ask.


VR is likely the future of porn. There's a back and forth of ideas between mainstream porn and adult art. They borrow from each other. I wouldn't say one has shaped the other, rather they've evolved together. Sex robots are interesting but nothing will ever compete with flesh and blood, at least not for a long time. My close friends and some of my family know what I do as "erotic art", but most of them know nothing of specifics. Few have seen it. Their opinions vary from "Don't care as long as you're taking care of yourself and your bills" to "That's really fucking cool!".

John Doe

Any chance of getting some white dudes in the mix?


Have you ever considered creating a higher contribution tier where you could provide instruction and tutorials on bringing you drawings into Photoshop and coloring them? Erotic or not.


I have considered it but it will be later on this year when I'm comfortable. If I do create tutorials they will be free. I don't believe educational resources should be locked away by your purchasing power. Higher tiers will be for things like some of the 3D Sculptris models I've made when I get into a groove creating them.


so besides your Powerpuff/BimboBomb Girls art(which I really hope we'll get more of soon, and I assume you have some already worked out considering that Blossom pic you posted on the 19th on your Tumblr, if you have any sketches for those yet I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd love to see them), and Scooby Doo(since you mentioned it in another response here), what are some other Western Cartoons(that aren't adaptations of DC or Marvel properties) that you might be interested in making some art for(can definitely think of several that'd be a perfect match for your style)?


It's been a while since I paid any attention to newer cartoons. Please feel free to throw some suggestions my way. My inbox is always open.


1. What's your favorite thing you've done so far, in terms of the art you've done? 2. Least favorite? 3. Think we'll ever see more of this cutie? <a href="https://i.gyazo.com/50d624edc7755acb440dd200b6ba8fbe.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.gyazo.com/50d624edc7755acb440dd200b6ba8fbe.png</a>

Space Banker

1. Who is your favorite character you've created in the past? 2. Have you considered anymore collaborative work with other artists, and if so, which ones? 3. What was your opinion on the games Meet n' Fuck put out a few years back using your work? 4. Is John Persons saddened by your departure? 5. Why do you think so many people respond to your work?


Pit did you expect the Awesome response from your fans like this !!! I think this is the best way to give to your fans and you get a good payback for all the hard work you put into this


Have you ever considered drawing this version of Lady Death from Marvel comics? <a href="http://www.westfieldcomics.com/wow/art/large/OCT120944.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.westfieldcomics.com/wow/art/large/OCT120944.jpg</a>

BBC Waifu

Will you continue to have stories in your comics?

Angel Uriel

This is an extension to my previous question. Have you seen Sally D'Angelo or Cara Reid (in their 60's)? They look great.


Who would win in a fight? Jenny or Bianca?


Any particular symbolism you enjoy using, like visual cues? What I mean by that is: by making a character stand in a certain way, or wear a particular thing in a particular way, or something else like that, you want to say something about how kinky he/she is and in what particular way.


Greetings! Glad to see you're doing so well - been hoping you'd strike off like this for a long time. :) You mentioned a few comments back that your inbox is always open... At the risk of noobing out this intarweb thing, I searched around, but didn't see an email or message widget. What am I missing?


I really love the way he draws hands at times, just how dainty the fingers look and the way the wrists and fingers are angled just ooze with a bubbly sort of femininity.


On the left, underneath the profile pic for Pit-erotic, does it say "contact Pit-erotic" for you? I believe that is what Pit referred to. If you don't see it, then it may be a patrons only feature (hint, hint). =)


Thanks for this


Just became a 3rd Tier Patron! So excited for this tectonic shift in your career! Gone are the days of begrudgingly ponying up 29.99 for a 1-month jp.com subscription


I've been an on-and-off subscriber to jp's website for a few years now. Although I appreciated some of the other artists' work, I paid for the site subscription ONLY for ThePit updates. Now, finally, to be part of a focused, democratic, pay-per-piece, one-stop-shop for everything ThePit, is beyond amazing. It's a dream come true. I and I hope a majority of your fans feel as you do that the story lines and characters developed and used throughout the JP era have been more or less exhausted. I for one am 100% ready for new characters, new themes, and new stories. For Q&amp;A: 1. I love everything you do, but I’m an interracial addict. What percentage of your forthcoming work do you plan on being interracial? 2. Your collaborations with the erotic author, Stormbringer, are what you are most known for. Are you continuing that collaboration? 3. A lot of your recent work have been character studies, Bimbofications, etc. Will you be focusing on this sort of softcore work mostly or do you plan to create hardcore pieces for Patreon as well? Thank you, and god-speed with the transition and the continued creation of the BEST erotic art on the internet.


Who have you used for your avavtar? Is she a new character?