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If you'll look at the shitty chart above you'll notice I've got two months on display. They'll repeat indefinitely for infinity. Don't think too hard about that aspect but do notice that I've got some neat colors in there that indicate things. 

First thing to pay attention to is the Creator Post Timeline I've mocked up. It correlates directly with the wave forms labeled; creating and distributing as well as planning and billing. Creating and distributing is the process of me, Creating: making porn for you to spank it to, and Distributing: giving it to you. Planning and billing is where we start Planning: figuring out what you'd like to choke the chicken to next, and Billing: you pay me to make that shit real good.

If it bothers you that I get money before I distribute art, please have a look here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rational_economic_exchange

I, as a vendor, must protect my own interests. That means not letting people walk off with goods without paying. If you're uncomfortable with this tried and true method that's been used for thousands of years, please go fuck yourself. If you ARE cool with it, please stick around and participate in this glorious capitalist endeavor.

Now that we've got everything sorted on how I'm going to run this motherfucker, I'd like to get to work on turning out Bimbo Powergirl and revising my Captain Lo idea. I'll also be figuring out the best way to announce a 20 page comic with Jenny and Kitty titled Hot Meal, of which all 20 pages have already been sketched.

Since I'm interested in what you think (for the most part), how would you like the release of HOT MEAL to come about?





Much love. Ready to launch.


I hope no one minds the apparent humor in this post. It's the only thing about me I will always be able to rely on when the world is shitting on my face, neck and chest region.


Hot meal? Sounds hot.


Looks and sounds good to me. Jenny and Kitty announcement is HYPE!


Uh, you do realise that billing will always be on or slightly after the first of the month? No matter how many updates you make, we don't get billed and you don't get paid for them until every other Patreon account does. Why have that period in the latter half?


Also, for Hot Meal, do the sketches have the accompanying lettering?


I was slightly worried (not that a porn comic based on Firefly & Cowboy isn't exciting) that you wouldn't do anything Kitty/Jenny related but so glad to hear it's in the works. Personally I'm super excited for it, would probably be easier on my wallet to release it as you finish, but I kind of want it all at the same time. I'm still feeling it from not knowing what happened at the school between Jenny & the principal or Kitty & the janitorial staff. Then again, if pool party taught me anything, it's that sketches don't do it for me. Hope you release it all as a finished product, even if it takes a few months. Either way, I'm excited.


I'm cool with you charging how you need to charge.


Yes, I'm well aware of when I'll be getting paid. I have the patron posts (billed posts) during the last half of the month closer to when they'll be getting charged (the first of the month into the 5th) because it makes more sense than the opposite. Patron posts at the beginning of the month and rewards at the end are exactly the thing I want to avoid as it gives people the opportunity to opt out of the pledges and still get the rewards. It's also impossible to get your input and reward you at the same time. It's impossible to post a poll for something and in that same post give you a reward for it. Does that make sense? Shifting the billing process (first of the month) in between patron posts and rewarding confirmed patrons is the only logical solution to Patreon's easily scammed payment system. I can track when people joined, how long they've been supporting me and whether they've paid me. I'm using that system to my advantage. Maybe I'm not understanding your concerns. What is the down side to doing it my way?


My vote was for 1 finished page at a time. I love your sketches though, and since the top 2 choices are currently tied, maybe you could just share the sketched version a little bit ahead of the finished page as a compromise.


Dear Pit, will we ever have a chance to submit questions to you for a Q&A. I've been following you for years but it seems like I don't know much about you. Maybe you like the anonymity aspect and if you don't want to share that's cool I respect your wishes. But now that I have a platform to ask (and hopefully you'll answer) I thought I'd request it.


That is a good idea! I'll start a public post in which people leave their questions as comments and I'll do my best to answer them.

Ada Bee

So you're allowed to use Kitty and Jenny outside of work for J.P.'s website? That's good to know.


I would like to see finished pages as they are done with the sketches released after the finished art. I think you'll get a bigger impact that way!


I am happy to support you in this method considering you have already shared 8 or more new original pieces on your Hentaifoundry and Tumblr. So while this payment plan seems unconventional (I am also new to the whole Patreon thing, having signed up and joined just for you), I am thankful for the awesome pieces you have generously shared over the last 6 months. To wit, there was the Powerpuff Teens lineup, the Molly+Jimbo mugshots, the Ophelia and Carmia tributes, the Power Girl pinup, the Osira comic, Olive pinup, and most recently the Blossom piece, plus the 2 animations. And you didn't ask or charge anything for all these. So you definitely have my support. Shut up and take my money already! /Fry


My crotch is good with this, I'm good with this.

John Doe

Personally I don't really care about the sketches. I just like the finished stuff, whether its all at once or page by page. I would prefer all at once, or at least in blocks that link together part of the story, but I'll take it whichever way because your shit is awesome haha


Yay for titty charts and neat colors that indicate things


Can't wait for you release your stuff! I'm a big fan of your art !