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  Just to keep everyone in the loop and make sure there's no confusion on how this first month is going to go, I'll be doing 4 pieces before the end of the month. They'll likely be pinups. Unfortunately Patreon seems to pay out monthly at the beginning of the month for the previous month. Which means I'll have to make money doing work else where to make sure I can pay my bills. But luckily it should only be a month or two of this routine before I can focus solely on creating work for patrons. Fingers crossed.

  Another issue is there seems to be confusion about the 5.00$ tier reward. You'll have access to the .psd file for the pinup or comic page released here on Patreon. You DO NOT get access to ALL of my .psd files for everything I've created for 5.00$ I can see how that could be a killer deal but unfortunately that's not gonna happen.



Can't wait for the pinups I'm sure they will be amazing dude


I have a couple of questions. Are you going to put on vote this months upcoming pinups? Will you be able to continue here comics which were started elsewhere like Hunt, Pool Party, Lana Cruz, Damballah? Do you have plans of cooperation on some of your projects with Storbringer or other great interracial story writers?


I asked earlier about the 5$ reward but I was more wondering what the benefits of getting the .psd files were. (Sorry I'm not very savvy when it comes to stuff like this). But I'm guessing if you don't even have photoshop on your computer than these files won't be much use, right? With these files can you see the different layers of your art and stuff like that?


Hey Pit, wanna point out the following so that it doesn't happen to you. Maybe you know already, but I've seen several artists in the past discover this and get reall pissed about it. Maybe it got addressed by Patreon already, but just in case: Like you said: Patreon pays out for the previous month. But, people who subscribe can see everything you post in that month, after they subscribe. Even though their payments haven't gone through yet. They can then unsubscribe before the end of the month, before having to pay. Having seen and/or saved all you posted during that time. And then coming back a week or so later and repeat. I don't know if this is the case anymore, you'd have to ask Patreon to be sure, but I did see several artists in the past get pissed over this, people subbing and then getting out just before having to pay and then coming back later to do the same thing all over. I know at least two artists who responded to that by putting their work for the month in a zip file and sending a private message to the users that paid for the past month with the link to that zip.


Yes, the .psd files will contain everything that goes into the making of the pinup or comic page. This includes sketches and variant layouts that might not have been used. It can be a messy process. It's a way for people interested in the process to see how everything comes together.


I've heard of this and I'm hoping the relatively affordable price of each tier will keep people from trying to scam me. It's far less expensive compared to a site subscription. Even the highest tier is paying less in comparison.


I'm looking forward to the psd files. That's a really thoughtful reward, I've never seen such a reward before but it's totally my thing. So thanks.


when can we expect the first piece to be put up? :)


Are you open to suggestions for pinups and comics?


Do you plan to offer a Pay Pal option in addition to the current credit card payment option?


Hello Pit. I liked your 2D work and style. How can I speak about cooperation with you on a little PC game project?


Might be a little late to answer your question, but as this was something I was also interested in and found the answer: no, but this has nothing to do with Pit or even Patreon, but rather Paypal. Paypal changed their policy so that it couldn't be used to support adult content on Patreon, so Patreon automatically removes Paypal as an option for adult content creators.


Thank you DE.