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I truly apologize for the long wait on this and the other pages I've charged for in past months. I hope you dig the coloring and the line work.

Let me know what you think in the comments.





Please finish this and animate it

Explosive Plastic

Awesome to see this stuff coming out again, PiT! Your 3D work has been pretty damn good, but this you're the BEST at.


God I love ivy 😍


More Damballa 😍


Great as always! And I like the use of patois for the islanders.

BBC Waifu

I remember seeing the teaser for this a while back. Glad to see the finished product!


I really hope Ivy's face gets unloaded on


Glad you chose the damballah comic to start drawing more, the damballah series gives you way more sexual stuff to work with for bimbo sucking booty banging! Didn't know ivy had a beauty mark on her butt, I like


Any pic with ivy in it is gold as far as im concerned


This looks really good. I honestly miss your artwork though.


yes please


I think this might be it, as it's PNG format. If you left click on it first, and then right click on it, select view image and it will be much bigger. Then you can right click on it again to save. Full size should be 1700x1100

Devin Dickie

Sweet Jesus! You and NiteQ are my favorite Coloring artists out there!! amazing!


Holy god this is beautiful.

Space Banker

Coloring is good; everything else seems rushed. Step it up man--if you're gonna put something out, at least put some effort into it.


I hope we are gonna see more of Ivana


I'm hoping to see more comic pages like this. These are why I am a patron.

Robert B.

I'm glad your back to doing, in my opinion, what you do best... drawing comics. As for which comics all of them would be great but since doing dozens of comics simultaneously is impossible, this is as good a choice to start with as any. I just hope you can do more comics pages as soon as possible without over doing it, and staying as healthy as possible. Thank you for the art.


we all like this kind of stuff. its why we became patreons. so yah do more. another comic would be great.

Trigga Triz

I love your work and everything you’re interested in. I would love for you to go back to comics and incorporate the animations.


Mind if I ask what's planned next?


They're not just getting sucked but doing the sucking! Yum! XD


yaaay! Love Damballah Island! Can't wait to see what happens next :)


Hi Pit, been a fan for years. I understand you've been going through a lot, but are we ever going to see another comic? It feels like you're only putting up pin ups and these digitals... Honestly it's very easy to find your work online and yet I want to support you, so I pay, but if you don't have plans to ever build off of things like "Hot Meal" or something that isn't just a refurbished pin up, it's hard to justify. Love your talent man, I hope you keep your health!


It's always a blast to visit DI. The colors are really poppin in this one Pit. Great job! Looks like so much fun! With such a beautiful, vibrant environment, and this kind of generous hospitality, one wonders how long the ladies can keep this place a secret? :)


Finally! This ones so good!

pornluva 77

DID has been and always will be my favorite. It really brightens my day to see another installment.