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Hey guys. I've working on comic pages while I've handed off my sculpts to EndlessIllusion to see what he could come up with. I'm at a crossroad with development on the Kitty model. I need to know what look for the characters you like the best. 

This is the original sculpt with my own textures and details.


These are two options presented to me by EndlessIllusion


I'm curious what you all think of these three different versions and which one you prefer the most.

Edit: I'm not asking about her clothing, guys. I'm asking about the look of the models, the rendering styles. 



I like the illusion model in the tank top


Hey they all look good to me but i really like the tank top one.


I prefer your version. Then the second oily version. Third version doesn't do it for me.


Well, this is exciting. I think the ones with the "glossy" look seem to hint pretty well at the style of lines and coloring in the original pinups.


This first endless illusion one is a bit too shiny to me (I think it's just in the eyes and hair), the second though looks softer and closer to your cartoony style, so I think that's best of all.


I kind of like your viersion more. Although endlessillusion was able to do great work with her face and I like the tank top look he gave her. Although looking at the two versions has me thinking, it looks like this 3D kitty may be too thick. Her body feels too wide while her arms and legs are skinny like her 2D form.

Space Banker

Endlessillusions' two versions are best, hard to decide between those 2.

PSN: Kalil86

Those bright colors are a bit too much for me, the less contrast version is the one I prefer... nonetheless both versions are well done.


Your original work looks best, I think. The topmost EI variant could compete if it were less glossy.

Angel Uriel

I'll go for your version of her.


Pit version best version imo.


Pit Version for me.


I love Endless Illusion’s first version with the shine and cartoon look. It feels like a logical step from 2D drawings into a 3D world and could be more forgiving to animate vs the realism of yours. Whatever the case, all 3 are amazing and whatever you choose is the right choice!


the colorful 1st version of endless illusion is the absolute best with images 5 6 7 8 and 9...you should make some animations of kitty bieng naughty in that version using her 3d model i cant wait for that :P


Hmm this is indeed a tough call.


the color and lighting in your version looks better to me. but the breasts connect with the body better in endlessillusion's and i assume it animates easier?


it looks like jenny from the neck down seeing pic 2 and 4 now that you mention it.


The lighting feels a bit...weird in the images by Illusion, though I definitely like the way they did her rear. :)


Although you are doing really well with your 3D models, I do like the look better of both EndlessIllusions better.


Yeah, I've got to go with the Pit Version. I like your proportions better and the modeling of the face...it just feels more like your style. Nothing wrong with the Endless Illusions version...it's great, but I feel like it leans more towards his style in the proportions. I personally prefer the glossy verison to the more muted toon tones...again, it feels closer to your style.


Initially I preferred the Pit version, but after closely comparing them, I like the second (matte) version from EndlessIllusion better. While the Pit version is more detailed (the EndlessIllusion ones look blurry), I agree with others that the breasts on the EndlessIllusion models merge into the torso better. The EndlessIllusion model may be benefiting a little bit from being posed as well, so it is harder to a do a direct comparison to Pit's model.


Both look amazing i definitely like illusions color scheme maybe we could use the glossy look from pits version when ever a body part is being used for sex so it looks wet from tbe saliva


The one with less Shine is pretty good


less shine for sure, both look really good


Sup guys wanted to make sure, all i did here was make a conversion into an animation ready model meaning i didn't touch / change any of the proportions to " fit my style " it's a 1 to 1 converson with no loss of data meaning nothing got bigger or smaller and all the detail is the same just not rendered to be shown super strong. The toon shader can also be tweaked to add or remove features so the first ultra glossy oil first draft i posted is not set in stone and can be changed easy <a href="https://endlessillusionx.tumblr.com/post/166414901806/theofficialpit-examples-a4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://endlessillusionx.tumblr.com/post/166414901806/theofficialpit-examples-a4</a> My original idea was the follow the 2D art style to make the transition into 3D Smooth.

Wolfman Jones

can't even focus on 3d because I'm too excited for Hot Meal.

wing hero

Mr pit, I'm working on a project and would like to buy one of your characters if possible. Please rely as soon as you can and we can discuss further details


Your version is best by far pit

J Bizzy

Endless' models do benefit from being posed. The matte look works well in keeping with a comic styling, however, if the goal was more lifelike, I would prefer Pit's model more due to more subtle shading and lower gloss.

3DXAddict (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-17 02:38:22 Your version is definitely the best! Please feed this slut (as well as Jenny &amp; Bianca) with some BBC and soon....we need animations!!!! I do like both versions though...just think yours is th best! Wouldn't mind seeing some stuff from both variations (yours and Endless Ilusions)
2017-10-27 16:53:39 Your version is definitely the best! Please feed this slut (as well as Jenny & Bianca) with some BBC and soon....we need animations!!!! I do like both versions though...just think yours is th best! Wouldn't mind seeing some stuff from both variations (yours and Endless Ilusions)

Your version is definitely the best! Please feed this slut (as well as Jenny & Bianca) with some BBC and soon....we need animations!!!! I do like both versions though...just think yours is th best! Wouldn't mind seeing some stuff from both variations (yours and Endless Ilusions)