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-Hi everyone just keeping you all up to date on what's going on with the vids.

-Just like in the previous update. I am almost finished with the new PC build. There is a lot of software that I need to get installed on the new PC. A lot of which I have forgotten the passwords for. Because of this, there isn't much to show on the current works in progress. Everything that I have been working on is hardware installs and software updating. However, some of the little tests that I have done look very promising.  

-I should be finished with the installs this weekend and will begin working on the next set of vids once I get everything switched over. I have over 1000 different mods that need to be reinstalled into Vam. 

-That is it for now another short but sweet one. If you didn't catch the previous vids links they are posted down below. 








Thanks again for all of your support I can't thank you all enough!!!




Yay for set ups! I feel you on the forgetting passwords. Plus Apple’s doing this weird thing where some passwords are saved on my iPad but not my iPhone, FFS. I think I have to bite the bullet and get a damn physical book so I don’t hit lock outs 🙄


It's been a long wait, but hopefully it's worth it😭

Pejtu Joker

Cant wait for the new videos they are insanely good


I know you're incredibly busy but I would like to repeat my request for versions without text? I personally find it very distracting and often unnecessary. I love your stuff as always and it just gets better and better - except for the dialogue - so I'll take what I can get but it would be nice to have a choice.

SexyTom2011 (Citor3)

try bitwarden.com to remember your passwords. open source, free and really great. :) (this is no ad. I just read you don't remember your passwords.) edit: correct link now.


Busy with what? That guy receives 3k a month from patreon subs and can't be bothered to make more than one video every 6 weeks


Thank you LN that's exactly what I've been doing. I've been going through my old pc and writing it all down.


Hi vladx yes I completely forgot about getting the blank versions out. I will work on that asap.


Wow, entitled and ungrateful much Marco? He’s upfront with everyone from the get go that he does this in his free time. All those vids require hardware, software, talent, skill—not to mention TIME. Most artists on Patreon *start* their access tiers at $10-$20/mo for what we get for $1. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.


Also Marco I understand that it seems real easy to make these videos and to be honest with you. If I did wanted to make a videos every week it would be super easy....but extremely half assed. That isn't something that I want to do. If you notice that a lot of videos online are basically one position that lasts for 3 or 4 minutes and then the video is done. There is no story, no setup or reason just one position and done. I understand the frustration because I was in your same position before waiting on an artist to release vids and I didn't understand how much work actually went into it until I started doing it myself. Especially while I am still going to work everyday too 😭 The releases will get speed up soon Marco. And thank you LN


Thank you SexyTom2011 I've been going through and getting them written down. I've got so many accounts now it's crazy lol.


LW i know you have lots planned but as a Ghouls fan, quick question,,is the next planned step for NoTG a remake of all the ones so far using the new software/models? Or is it a new installment with the new looks? Eithers great just curious. BTW ignore those complaining about your outupt, For value for money and quality your right at the top on Patreon!


Hey buddy, I sent you a DM. I was wondering if you had seen it yet?