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Time to give you all an update on how the game is doing. This month saw the official demo for the game update over on itch.io, giving players a taste of what the full game will be like. Behind the scenes a few of us went on holidays / took some time off to focus on other things, so there isn't a whole lot to talk about.

Work has been going well though. We've been working on everybody's favorite counselor, Katey. Next month's update will allow you to help her clean up the lake and uncover a bit more about her background.

The hope is to also add another smaller side quest (like the flower girl or the archery range ones) to score some additional pictures from other girls around camp. I've also began experimenting with visiting campers in the cabins at night for some XXX goodness. I think I have a pretty solid idea on what I want for those now, so I'll slowly be introducing them into the game. Don't expect them in the next update just yet as it requires a bunch of additional assets, but it's coming!


During the last poll I asked you guys how you like the UI. I'm happy to learn that 89% of you are very satisfied with it. User Interface can make or break a game and it's not something I've been great at in the past (*Cough*PaprikaTrainer*Cough*) so it's good to see that I'm improving!

Of course it wouldn't look nearly as good as it does now without the help of my talented artists. They've really been putting in their A game for CMW and I feel so lucky that I get to work with them.

Condoms, makeup and bodywriting

For those who pledge to the Camp Counselor tier, you will have already seen a sneak-peek of this. The makeup potion wasn't exactly to my liking, so it's been mostly a hidden addition to the game for now. That said, there has been some work done on it behind the scenes.

The idea is that you can spice up regular sex scenes with variations. This will very much be tying in with the night time visit to the girls' cabins. I expect there to be more information about this a bit later. So stay tuned =)

Wrapping up

That is about it for now. I would like to welcome all the new Patrons who decided to help support the project! CMW has turned out to be a very fun project to work on and I'm so happy to see other people excited to play it.

Thank you all once again for your support and I will see you in August.




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