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Hey, everyone!

It's nearly the end of October and I haven't uploaded anything yet, and that's led to a few folks reaching out to me out of concern for my wellbeing. It's very sweet and I wanted to thank you for reaching out.

Everything is going well, I'm just struggling to let go of this story, so it's continuously growing. Using Black Magic for Revenge will have a final chapter uploading in the next couple of days as I finish up the writing for it.

A little of what I intended to be the epilogue wound up just wrapping up the bulk of this story itself in its own chapter. So, afterward, I'll just really have a RFH epilogue to do, which will give you guys a little more time with Mandy after the end of that story. I just couldn't do that bit until Black Magic was over.

As I create art and stories, sometimes they go in a direction I wasn't intending them to, one that feels more natural and satisfying. So, I intended a 300+ page combo to wrap up the story and that's not what I'm creating anymore, lol.

But the goal is to finish both of these completely. So I will have this big chapter 13 in your hands very soon and it should be a rather satisfying conclusion to BMFR.

Going forward, I'm likely not going to schedule my creations. I believe tying myself down to projects that I might want to get to but aren't really vibing with isn't something I can do. I really want to create a few standalone things like Doodles, Porn Ads, I Dream of BImbo, That Evil Bitch Christine, etc... So I'm likely going to table a few of my ongoing projects (Dan's Distortion for example) until I get some of these other smaller stories out I wish to tell. I'm hoping that'll also improve my content flow and feel less like a "job" sometimes.

Those bigger ongoing stories aren't going away. I'm just not forcing myself to commit to anything as I go forward. I'll be doing whatever really clicks with me at the moment, and going from moment to moment.

So once I get this RFH epilogue out, following the BMFR conclusion, I'm going to change things up beginning with Witchy Ex-Girlfriend. That's one story I really want to get into.

I'll also be revisiting my content system today. I'll likely be dropping everything down a bit so everyone has something "new" to read around the same time. I've been neglecting my basic folks with these content stagnations and I want to make sure everyone gets something in return for your wonderful support.

I do apologize for not being very good at the whole professional side of this, and if you were looking forward to something specific I scheduled, I apologize for that as well. I just want to make sure I'm delivering the best quality I can, and the only way I know how to do that, is by working completely off of my inspiration as it strikes me.

Cheers and thank you for your patience. I can't wait to see what you guys think about the conclusion to Black Magic, which will hopefully arrive before Sunday.

I'll also be chasing it with a Halloween caption story on 10/31. I've been wanting to do one of those for ages.



Glad to hear from you! Looking forward to the last installment.

Robert Louis Stoll

From my point of view as a backer, delays due to too many ideas is a good thing :) Although I agree with scheduling to try and balance it out. Any leftover ideas are fodder for future series! Also I just want to compliment you on how black Magic turned out. Even from a cursory technical glance, it really evolved from the first part and narratively was no different. Cheers for the good series!

Jeroen van den Broek

Good to hear from you, and as always: no complaints from my end. Just a suggestion though: try to avoid phrases like "in a few days" if you aren't absolutely certain you can make that deadline. People are easier to forgive you for slow content when you haven't really set a deadline, but your previous post said the last part of the story was just a few days away. I'm not personally annoyed by it (I can wait) but I can understand if there are people who are annoyed if you say something is days away but four weeks later it's still not there. I catch myself doing this in my professional life too sometimes, I'll promise a client something I think I can deliver if everything goes right, but then of course things go wrong and I'll end up being a few days late, while the client wouldn't have minded me scheduling a few days extra from the start as a buffer. Meeting expectations is more important than (self-imposed) output quotas.


Verbiage is definitely a struggle. I'll just stick to "I'm working on it"? lol I'm sorry. I'm terrible at business stuff. Never meant for this to bloom the way it did and now I'm completely responsible for something I'm obviously not qualified to handle. It's... stressful. A lot of my stress I create for myself, trying to adhere to some idea of what I think is passably professional. But I'm always working on making the next story. I just have absolutely no idea how long those things will ever take me. I do apologize for misleading anyone. I feel so bad that this comic grew the way it did. I'm glad you stuck around, BTW. Thank you. I believe you were one of the first people to ever comment on anything I created. It's nice to see that I'm still deemed worthy of the follow. :)

Elizabeth Anne Black

I’ve been very worried about you but didn’t reach out because I didn’t want it to come across as pushing or nagging. Everything you do is pure solid gold and absolutely worth the wait. Put your well-being first, and we’ll be here for you! ❤️


No problem on my part but I'd suggest you make a post every week or every 10 days, just to reassure that everything is on track. When is money involved, it's always a great idea to give the assurance that you are working on it. Maybe even you can post some preview images out of context or pin ups or something.


I'm sad she never got gang bangd by the football team 😭😭😭😭


Well, not at the same time. IDK if I could make a scene that busy without crashing the software. But she did sleep with half the school. :p


I can help with my photoshop skills if you ever need. Free cause I love playing in ps


What happened with the detective story?


I really want to create a few standalone things like Doodles, Porn Ads, I Dream of BImbo, That Evil Bitch Christine, etc... Yes,yes,yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey do what ever you want to write I love all your work and would rather see you punch out stories you enjoyed writing over burning yourself out on a schedule as you will get better quality that way.