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Here it is... kinda!

I really wanted to have this as one big send-off, but honestly, I have a bit more I want to tell and it might take a few more days to completely wrap it up, so I wanted to get something to you all.

I only have one big scene left and then a wrap-up to close out this particular story before the epilogue to wrap up the whole universe. And, boy, what a task closing out a universe is! lol

I hope the efforts, details, and extra fun pay off for all of you wonderful, patient people. I will try my best to make sure I get the rest of this out ASAP. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this journey to the end of this story.

You can read it here or by downloading the attached PDF files.

Cheers and thank you all so much for your support. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing when it comes to planning, lol. So thank you so much for your patience as well.

<3 Kara

P.S: I do also plan on doing a F&F and Dream Job update this month. But I'll touch base on the schedule adjustments once I get this completed.




😃😃😃😃thanks kara


Great story but I would prefer if it was lighter. I find it hard to see what's happening as it is so dark...


I love how the daughter actually looks like the mother . Would be awesome for the mother to have new memories of being pregnant with her


It's always darkest before the dawn. I say this without having read it yet myself.


Would you ever consider updating the first chapter to your more polished look?


I have considered it, but it's such a slippery slope. Suddenly my first chapter is better than the second. So I have to remake the second, and then the second is better than the third, and by the time I get to the last chapter I'll have set a new standard. :P But I might give it the Septrender TAG treatment one day when my talents and tech improve more.

Grant Nordin

I really hope that Howie gets his comeuppance, I REALLY HATE that guy.


I had to see this. I can't wait for the end.

Fox Face

Hey Kara, super looking forward to the final part. Hope the development on it is going well. Hoping this bastard also gets the justice he deserves and that we get a happy ending of sorts.


I'm sorry it's taking this long but it's a lot. I'm nearly done with it, however. Epilogue is being worked on as well. I should have both out this coming week. Thank you for hanging on while I wrap this up!

brandi lane

Have not heard from you all month hope your okay