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Hey, everyone!

I want to start by thanking you all for your support. It means a lot to me that you guys stick around to read my stories and get to know my characters. So now I want to get to know your characters. Or more specifically, your group character.

With the conclusion of The Video Game 2, I was looking for another project I could update in small doses, and according to the poll you all participated in, you would rather see something new instead of me turning one of my ongoing stories into something like this. So, after chatting with my discord a bunch, I came up with the perfect idea.

Fates & Fantasies: A Choose the Adventure game (but with a twist!)

Unlike most choose-your-adventure games, the choices put forth will be provided by you! Every update I will end on a moment where the main character has to make a choice or action, and in order to proceed I will ask all of you to either write your ideas as to what they should do next in the comments of that post, and/or I'll have you vote on your favorite idea by simply clicking like.

After a short while I will take the most popular suggestion for how to proceed, and put it up against a D20 roll. That roll will determine how things pan out. Essentially I'm playing Dungeon Master to all of you in my own fantasy table-top-style comic.

Sounds fun right? I think so!

I will, of course, still be providing the dialogue and the comic and all of that. And yes, I know it'll get lewd (of course it'll get lewd), but I also hope we can make a really fun story between those lewd bits. There will be leveling up, there might be combat, there might be whatever exists in a tabletop game as well, and I'm counting on you guys to guide the main character through this adventure, so long as fate is on your side. :)

When I release the introduction to this story, following Vegas Heat: Chapter 2, I will also have a little graphic explaining the game a little better. But for now, I do have a favor to ask of all of you.

In the images provided, I created a list of playable characters (sex/race) and playable classes. I would like you all to please design the main character that we will be playing first, by selecting the appropriate poll options. You are allowed more than one choice here, so pick as many as you like.

Click here to access the poll
(Patreon doesn't allow both images and polls)

This poll will run until my next update. Also, if you have name ideas for the collective character, please feel free to provide it in the comments below.

Cheers and I look forward to this grand adventure with you all. May the roll of the dice be in your favor.
- Kara



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