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Hey, everyone! 

With the conclusion of The Video Game 2, I'm looking for something to take its place in my content rotation. 

While I know many would simply prefer big, complete updates at a time, having something small and gradual to work on is good for my own production. So this is something I'd like to maintain.

But, I have a couple of ideas of what I'd like to do and I'd really like to hear your input on them. So, please, let me know which story you would like to see become my next ongoing piece. Other stories will likely fall into my bigger release rotation when I can squeeze them in.

I'm also working with my schedule to figure out the best way to wrap Black Magic and Roommate From Hell up in the next few months as well, without neglecting my other tales. My 2021 goals are to reduce the amount of unnecessary pages from each update, so that I may add more diversity to a month's schedule.




I love all😍😍😍


Whatever you want to do.


How do I vote for all 3?

Steven Barry

Oh, "Sentai Smut" is one of my favorites, but why reboot?


I was completely put off by the art style and there are things I wish I did a little differently. That's why I stopped working on it.


Sentai Smut, please. I love it!


Sentai smut please lol

Elizabeth Anne Black

Oh please no, not another razor-margin election... 😫


I never liked Sentai Smut. Mostly because of the comic art style


Catching Chaos for sure. It's been too long since an update and the story was getting interesting.


I know. I was intending it to grow into an ongoing thing because it's such a huge story (even for me). But that might not be something that works too well. Maybe I'll re-evaluate my schedule.


I hated the art style as well. If I could get back into it, it would be in-line with my current style.


At this point it's looking like it may just join the ongoing story loop. I need to figure out how to do more a month, lol.


I really hope that you revisit Sentai Smut sometime. It was the comic that drew me to you. I don't mind the art style, but I am more so into the concept and execution than the visuals themselves.


I will be. It just took me some time to figure out how to approach it. I finally have a good plan, I think.


As mentioned before, I'd prefer previous stories to be finished before starting new ones. For example, The Bimbofication of Detective Batson.


This isn't taking over any of those. This is just a small thing for me to do on the side to keep the inspiration to create flowing. Also Detective Batson itself is done. That story bit was concluded. But the world itself is still being told in stories like Mr. Housewife and My Wife's Secretary.