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Wanted to post an update, I'm still behind on game development for various reasons, so for this for next month I paused my patreon for the April billing cycle to give myself some breathing room. Very sorry for the delay. And I just really didn't want to be 3 months behind with my current tier system in place. 

New people will still be able to sign up and access previous stuff. Current patrons should not be charged. And you don't need to be an active patreon to get stuff for past month where I was late.

I want to thank everyone who's been on the patreon, because with the support of patrons I've been able to release some games on Steam and have it do well enough to become a nice source of income. possibly a primary source.

Some of you might know that I've had my patreon operating the exact same way since 2014, back in the flash days. and a lot of stuff has changed since then. So I would like my patreon to be able to be a more dynamic.

please read the previous post about that. 


I'm still working it out but monthly stuff could look like:


  • a vote weight based on tier level
  • previews and post updates

I will describe this as content for the current project or current interest. 

I plan to lean more towards intractable stuff. but it might not always be intractable if I'm not yet at a point where I'm making something playable.

For example all of the current remakes (Sorani, Two Scoops, Sentoryu) have new scenes, dialogues, and some even new minigames in them, it takes some time to brainstorm all that out, and create and edit the art, come up with dialogue, and not just any dialogue, it also needs to make sense with other games, make the animations, and code it all in, and i do all of that myself.

So when starting a new remake or new game project I may not be at a point where there is something playable for it right away. 

so things in this category could be:

  • beta or updated build of a game project
  • sub-section preview of a game project (this is basically one or more areas that are cut out from a game project)
  • mini-scene(s) (these are small dialogue scenes that lead into H animations that could be between any canon or non-canon character pairings)
  • prototype projects (like old Umichan 3D, or ARIA Mastermind, type stuff.) 
  • things I make from tying to learn a new game engines or new technology. 


likely general 3D animation including but not limited to mmd. would likely still be 3D ero dancing. The issue with a lot of "mmd" specifically is that you can't really do anything else with it but have it on patreon, or something sold directly because most of the music used in motions is copyright. I also have to render MMD 3 times. once to get it out of mmd (with no sound), then in handbrake so it's not like 150+ gigs, then again in video editing software to add the sound back in.


  • Requests
  • Art in general (2D/3D/AI)


  • Animations (2D,MMD,DaZ,VaM) (leaning more towards H ani)

I have a wide assortment of things the need to get finished asap generally, but I'd say immediately for the patreon would be catching up. Finishing sentroyu and getting splashing surprise remake initial framework finished. Meaning getting art edited and in the game, get the swimming minigame graphics implemented, and the H scenes code in, and any other additional system's code in the game implemented.

so I'd like to have it finished at the end of next week, but we'll see. 

Hopefully no charge for current April patrons if patreon works correctly.

And people will have time to read the new tiers. Then hopefully everything will be back up and running with reworked tiers in May.

I will have more updates as I get things sorted out. 


latra poa

Do you have any estimates for sentoryu update to be ready?

Adam Allie

Personally I'd rather you take your time to release quality material. Is it difficult to add games and vnovels to steam? I really wouldn't mind the completed umch.