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Just wanted to make a post to let people know that I plan to have the February patreon stuff delivered hopefully by the end of next week. This applies to MMD as well.

as for updates and future plans:

February was really busy and time consuming for me both in terms of real life stuff happening, and dealing with the steam launch of aria genesis. I have been barely even active in the discord, but still answer questions and stuff.

I want to thank anyone who is sticking around, and any who are new or returning.

As some some you know, I've been on the patreon grind since 2014. I would really like to at some point soon'ish, have the focus of the patreon more for people who want extra/bonus and requested content.

Because compiling and uploading big multiple OS versions of a project over and over every month to make monthly playable game builds on patreon, is getting increasingly hard to manage as I build up a catalog of completed or currently supported games on multiple sites.

I would ideally like to have individual game sales, or something that is not patreon, to be the main source of my income. while patreon is more of, more of what it seemed to be originally intended for, a relaxing non-stressful for me to send out extra stuff regularly.

Patreon would ideally have short form content, such as mini-scenes (that I know are not going to be buggy, and takes less time to build and upload), the usual art, possibly less mmd videos, VaM videos, DAZ images, and more. I'll get to the "more" later.

Now some of the more... cynical people out there may be thinking, short form content is just so I can get money for very little effort. But that's actually not the reason.

I'd still remain working on major game projects and posting builds at milestone intervals. and/or small standalone sections.

It allows for experimental and non-canon content. I can't really make non-canon pairing content if I'm always working on big canon projects.

It also allows for experimentation with new technology.

You may, or may not be aware of how rapidly evolving AI is right now. And while I don't plan on incorporating it into any of the current projects, nor currently planned remakes, it definitely seems like something that shouldn’t be totally ignored. And having short form content like mini-scenes is a nice way to test things out, to see if people like it for a possible expanded use later in a main game.

I actually already have an AI generated voice for Maiko and Arielle that, in my opinion, sounds pretty decent. Then, I am able to take that voice and make videos with the characters mouth's moving. I also have dabbled in AI art of the characters.

But I don't really want to just suddenly inject AI stuff into existing projects. Also I know some people don't really like, or respect AI stuff. Plus I don't want to overhaul projects anyway.

But what could be interesting, is experimenting with stuff. Imo adding voice dialogue to mini-scenes would be interesting. even existing scenes getting a revamp. or editing the art.

I also used to have a video series where certain characters comment on different users or topics. It could be fun to bring something like that back.

What's that? You're just here for the H content? Well there will be plenty of that in the form of 2D/3D/AI images and 2D/3D animation, in addition to the things that are interactive.

Just all kinds of stuff.

so monthly stuff could look like:


voting (vote weight based on tier level)


mini-scene (could be canon, non-canon, experimental stuff)

character podcast/skit(s)/info



HD art consisting of 2D/3D/AI images (current 2D by ttrop, DAZ, AI)


Animations (1-3 animated 2D, 1-3 MMD, VaM dance/sex)

I don't want to change too much in terms of tiers, but just the stuff in those tiers more of a variety. Which should lead to more content.

sorry again for the delay.

feel free to reply with feedback on things I've discussed.


latra poa

What happened to umichan sentoryu update?