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The Scholar, the Judge, and their other siblings are all original characters of mine, inspired by dreams and the weird shapes of the wood grain in my closet doors. These goddamn characters are old, boyos. Real old. Vintage bottles, with the labels worn off and something truly vinegar-y on the inside. 

They were the gods of a bespoke world, which they built and ruled in the pursuit of an objectively perfect existence. This was the dream of their creator, the allgod called Satath. To each member of the god-brood he gave a portion of a barren world. Upon this canvas, each would wrought their own works of creation. 

To the Scholar went the eastern portion, where a lush marshland would become the cradle to minotaur herds, naga nests, and satyr bands. At the center of the swamps, the Scholar's great tree would be the vault of all the world's collected knowledge. Anything that would ever be known would be archived there in the Scholar's own ink blood. A record of all creation, compiled for presentation to the mother-father Satath.

The Judge
One of three firstborn, along with the Scholar, the Judge would be given the southern portion of Satath's world, where she would erect mountains of sheer stone that guarded valleys of pristine alpine wilderness. Here she would found a kingdom of martial authority, and raise a society of soldiers. 

One of the races she built were the Hira, loxodon people with immense size and intense loyalty. Dhosa, a veteran bull from the nascent world's first wars, provides his creator god with an exemplary general, a commander for her vast and unmatched armies, and a faithful servant.

Though his service on the field is devout, he is eager to prove his devotion in several more carnal ways. Ruling over a chaotic newborn world is hungry work, and no play makes for a very dull god.



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