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February 2024 Ranma Crossover Survey

  • Stallion of the Line – COMBAT, war, action, adventure, comedy, violence. Raffy shows his power and Whitebeard shows he’s the GOAT 233
  • Gods and Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My – comedy, character interaction, ecchi humor, romance, a sword sought, a copier broken 123
  • 2024-02-02
  • 356 votes
{'title': 'February 2024 Ranma Crossover Survey', 'choices': [{'text': 'Stallion of the Line – COMBAT, war, action, adventure, comedy, violence. Raffy shows his power and Whitebeard shows he’s the GOAT', 'votes': 233}, {'text': 'Gods and Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My – comedy, character interaction, ecchi humor, romance, a sword sought, a copier broken', 'votes': 123}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 2, 3, 18, 15, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 356}


And here is the Ranma poll. Not much to say here folks. The choices are:

Stallion of the Line – Ranma/One Piece Crossover: The War of the Best continues, with death and carnage on all sides. Kizaru finally figures out what’s going on and zooms in to attack Whitebeard, only for Raffy to intercept him. The resulting confrontation/discussion is interrupted in turn by Akainu and Shepherd. Who promptly decides that killing Luffy is only a little bit less important than removing Whitebeard. A full element battle occurs in the center of the Tarai Current, while trouble closes in with the rest of the Straw Hats, who find themselves hard-pressed by two men who would make even most Shichibukai think twice. Garp shows up on the right flank much to the chagrin of both the marines, the pirates (just because he’s not a marine any longer doesn’t mean he likes them any better) and one string using asshole. In an effort to even the odds, Akainu attempts to create a island, which backfires a bit, although it does cause issues elsewhere for the pirates, specifically a princess and an Empress. In return, Raffy decides to start using large-scale attacks too, much to the chagrin of everyone on the other side.

Gods and Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My– DxD/Ranma crossover: Rika takes Ranma, Saeko, Asia and the duck home to meet her girlfriend, only for Asia to nearly die by oppai. Saeko meets her father in a surprising manner. Local toughs and a certain snake attempt to make trouble, which leads to much embarrassment for them and some embarrassment and fun for Ranma and Saeko. Plans for a move are made and the trip continues via other means. Arriving at their destination a local mystery is discovered to be an old enemy of Ranma while Saeko and Rias have a heart to heart. An offer is made and rejected, while Ranma decides that if he can’t use the duck as a target, this ass will do. A new devil problem rears his pretty if perverted head, and Saeko goes on a journey through the water and ground. Rias debates on how much trouble she will be in for killing another heir, and Ranma wonders about magical tattoos while breaking faces.

I have mentioned the battle in Stallionwould take several chapters, right? There are soooo many characters and they all need screen time!!

Since I will be putting my votes on Heroes, I won’t vote here… unless Tomon gets back to me and says he’d be able to work on Stallion in March. In that case I will vote for GDWHOM. Regardless, this poll will end when work on the Patron Only story winner does.


Bryan Brown

I support the underdog


If Stallion had a smaller chapter size and more frequent updates as a side-effect, i wouldn't hesitate to vote for the other... but, as the wise man said, it is what it is. In any case, as always, thx for the effort and keep up the good work!


Really? I kind of think most of stallions chapters are short as it is. Do you want chapters like 10,000 words? Justcuriou. I honestly don’t know how much I could do with that little space 😝