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Patron Only February Survey

  • Death’s Avenger – world exploration, comedy, adventure, action, Harry befriending birds and deciding extermination is a good thing 188
  • Climbing Together - Romance, martial arts, comedy, character interaction, Mai, Shampoo and Ranma doing the martial artist version of tourism 85
  • Heroes of the high seas - world building, character interaction, romance, comedy, combat, Trump Pirates getting Trumped 79
  • 2024-02-02
  • —2024-02-15
  • 352 votes
{'title': 'Patron Only February Survey', 'choices': [{'text': 'Death’s Avenger – world exploration, comedy, adventure, action, Harry befriending birds and deciding extermination is a good thing', 'votes': 188}, {'text': 'Climbing Together - Romance, martial arts, comedy, character interaction, Mai, Shampoo and Ranma doing the martial artist version of tourism', 'votes': 85}, {'text': 'Heroes of the high seas - world building, character interaction, romance, comedy, combat, Trump Pirates getting Trumped', 'votes': 79}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 15, 3, 15, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 2, 3, 14, 39, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 352}


Good Night everyone… wait, no, don’t go to sleep! Take part in the polls first!!

By this point you all should have seen that Making Waves was updated. I want to thank Hiryo and Justlovereadin’ again for looking over it for me. I am also a full setup scene into Magic. Turns out that a lot of things were happening on the home of bacta before the CIS show up…

Anyway, I decided my priorities this month. I will work on the Patron Only Poll winner first, then the Ranma fic. Tomon has communicated with me, but he’s not in a position in RL just yet to be able to work on editing Stallion, and both Stallion and GDWHOM should only take me seven, maybe up to nine days. The chapter won’t be as good without his input, nor as OP lore accurate, but even so, given how the last chapter was received, I hope everyone will continue to like that fic and the fic with all the boobies.

So, without further ado, here is the Patron Only Poll:

Death’s Avenger – HP/WoW crossover: Harry, Sylina and the Unseen Path travel through the mountains, a feat made much easier by his magic than a few of the Kaldorei are comfortable with. After a bit of bird induced amusement, young Lathariel actually starts to feel better, making many of the Unseen Path feel quite foolish, and Lathariel giddy. Led to them by the birds, the band fall upon the Harpies, whereupon Harry and the others notice a division within the harpies, and the harpies notice Harry, which cause further amusement for Sylina and the others. With the Unseen Path surprisingly having taken prisoners to question, Harry puts his magic to good use to the delight of many, even those he casts the spells on. Information is gathered, and the younger (for a given value) Unseen Path members are tasked with finding out the truth of one rumor, while the other members return to Trueshot Lodge to await the other attack force. This necessitates a quick trip over a bit of ocean to another island among the archipelago. There, Harry meets his first vrykul, and it is hate at first sight. Necromancy and Death Magic do not a good impression make…

Climbing together – Ranma/Street Fighter/King of Fighters crossover: With Terry and Andy gone, Ranma, Mai and Shampoo stay some time at the dojo for a bit, while Ranma starts to fully incorporate his rope dart into his style and Shampoo gets to know her spiritual side as Mai gets over her recent breakup. Meanwhile, Nodoka has a minor mental breakdown and Genma realizes that karma might be real. A trip to the beach helps Mai, followed by the trio leaving Japan behind, heading to Hong Kong. There, Ranma surprisingly makes a friend, Mai gains a admirer (not surprisingly), and Shampoo accidentally starts a fight. This leads to her becoming a actress, causing both jealousy and her being targeted by the local criminals. A few fights later and a introduction to her former opponent follows, while the trio accidentally get in the way of a sting operation, make a new acquaintance, and learn about the underground fight scene in Hong Kong. A plan is hatched, and the trio enter their first tournament together, while Mai faces a revelation.

Heroes of the High Seas – MHA/One Piece Crossover: Hearing of an island oppressed, the heroes in training (and their two supporters) cannot stop themselves from getting involved. After a bit of a debate and a decision to hide some of their skills (Cough, Momo’s abilities) Izuku makes a plan to use the cover of night to get past the giant artillery gun. But their new ‘friends’ prove somewhat untrustworthy, having their own plans going forward, which have more to do with theft than freeing people. The island is found, and the various traps overcome through the power of sound and ice prior to reaching the top of Clockwork Island, whose people are indeed oppressed by the Trump Pirates. This time the heroes have a harder time of it against a prepared enemy with a lot of noncombatants around, forcing Mei, Momo and Shoto onto the defensive as Bear King proves a threat almost on a All Might scale, with the outcome very much in doubt as their two toughest fighters are stymied, forcing Iida and the others step up.

Since both King of Champions and Making Waves were just updated, they are both missing from this poll. I figure that’s fair enough.  And I realllly want to get the meeting with Ozpin right. He can’t come off as too Dumbledore, or too manipulative or uncaring. That’s going to be interesting.

My votes will go to Heroes!!!  I would really like to be able to update it again. Remember guys it’s got to have a winner in February or March, or else I will have to remove it from the Patron Only poll.

This poll will last until the 14th.



+1 for Heroes of the High Seas! I've been wavering about funding this patreon for a while, but what finally convinced me was reading this MHAxOP fanfic. I really like the potential there, and I honestly like your writing of the MHA cast the best out of your various crossovers I've read so far. (Especially the pairing of Izuku/Melissa/Momo!) I know there's still not much support for it, but I hope I can add my vote to it to help it eventually get worked on more regularly.

Viola Strum

Heroes of the High Sea please!