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With SHIT getting real in the next chapter, there are several short and long term questions for Magic too.

1. Zule Xiss. What should I do with her? I have kind of left the door open for her to join the triangle, but at the same time, I have placed Padme as the doorkeeper, and she is very much against someone else joining them. Zule would be far better than Ta’a Chume, but from her perspective would it be too much? On the EMOTIONAL level folks. I know it would be sexy. LOL.

2. There used to be, and I can’t remember if it was canon or not, an idea that if a Force user lost a limb, he would lose some of his connection to the Force. What is everyone’s thoughts on that and main characters losing limbs? Or even permanent scarring? The next chapter is going to be dark folks, and it might get dark for some of the main characters too.

3. Thrawn. Currently I have him under the thrall of Palpatine, meeting with the Chancellor and being slowly mentally changed to obey only him and the Sith’s plan. But enough time away from Palpatine could allow him to start throwing off the changes, if it occurs in the near future – like the next few months. So should I come up with reasons to let that happen and have Thrawn available later to shift his loyalties to the Republic/good guys (not always the same thing…) or should I make him a villain. He makes a magnificent one after all, but he also is just a great character in general who will be getting more screen time after the next two chapters. I just don’t want to treat him the same way in two fics…

I had two more, but deleted them since they are huge spoilers. If you don’t mind those and want to give me your opinion, PM me here on Patreon.


Garri Sarkisov

1. Zule offers intriguing perspective and very possible equal love for both Harry and Ayala. She should be added once she and Padme gets closer emotionally. 2. Does not matter on physical level, force is spiritual component and not physical otherwise Yoda would have very small force power since he is tiny compare to others if going by physical size and percentage of force allocated based on body parts. 3. Thrawn can always be the example of the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Travis G

1. I don't really have a preference on Zule. She is Falleen, and while they are described as incredibly attractive, they are also a cold-blooded reptilian species and I just don't see how they would be very compatible with humans due to their colder body temperature. Wouldn't it be like being with a vampire? Also per the Star Wars wiki: "As a cold-blooded species, the Falleen respected discipline and control, particularly self-control. They tended to shun public displays of emotion, and were very patient. As a result of this attitude, they tended to look down on the more openly passionate, whom they saw as lacking self-control." 2. In Anakin's case, the loss was such a significant percentage of his body that it weakened him a good deal but part of that weakness was also the negative impact on his ability to focus by the continued pain and discomfort he continued to feel from his injuries. Vader was not fully healed before he was shoved into that suit and thus continued to suffer. Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker was not impacted noticeably at all with the loss of his hand and still reached his full potential. 3. I'd like to see Thrawn break free and become disgusted and all the more opposed to Sidious because of Sidious' usurpation of his free-will. Something that would directly give him "skin in the game" so-to-speak.