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Howdy once more y'all.  I have a few questions I would like everyone’s opinions on. And this time, I decided to break up the questions coming up in various story by fandom rather than having one thread for all the current ones.

First up, Fate Touched:

1. I have the next two arcs figured out now: dwarven arc, then northern exploration/monster slaying arc, then a short meeting with Gandalf and Saruman. But that leaves me with about six years or so before I have Harry and Aragorn crossing paths once more in Gondor. And Yes, Aragorn needs those years before showing up in Gondor. He needs seasoning. So the question is, what should I have the starring couple do. Should I have them:

A. Come back to the dwarves and travel among the other dwarven clans with Fili and a group of dwarves? Fili will be serving as his uncle’s diplomatic representative.

B. Have them become involved with the Rangers and their ongoing attempts to police the edges of Mordor? This would be a heavy combat choice, with on and off small campaigns against equally small but dangerous forces of orcs.

C. Head south, pass through Gondor and then into Harad. The Haradrim is the southern empire who are enemies of Gondor, but that doesn’t quite mean they, unlike the corsairs, are enemies of all that is good. This is a dangerous route, but could be fun in terms of world building, and making Harry and Tauriel masters of disguise for a bit LOL.

D. Head east to explore the world beyond the dwarven realms and into the lands of the Easterlings. Easily the most dangerous choice, since the Easterlings are under Sauron’s thumb, wholeheartedly devoted to him. They will have access to orcs, and by the time Harry and Tauriel are there, a certain undead King might be on hand to order them to his master’s liking.

2. When should the wedding happen? Is a wedding scene interesting to you, my readers? I wrote out several for ATP, and I am just wondering if people see those scenes as good world building moments, or just necessary and want to get them over with.

3. Saruman and Harry. How much of Saruman’s eventual fall into darkness should I show? The vast majority of it happened off screen in canon, but with Harry here, and Saruman already having a few of his runes, I have a way and a reason to show his fall.

4. Aragorn. I intend for him and Harry to lose contact eventually, with Aragorn staying in Gondor, and Harry disappearing afterward with Tauriel. But once I do, should I start showing scenes of what Aragorn is up to? Most of his adventures upon leaving Gondor itself will be canon events as much as possible, but I am wondering if people would like to see him falling for Arwen, among the Rohirrim, and having adventures with his fellow Rangers while Harry and Tauriel are having their own elsewhere.

5. And for one, last time: Tauriel having a child. Should this happen during the time skip? That way the child will have time to mature and grow before events of the War of the Ring occurs. (And yes, folks, I have an idea for how the ring will eventually be found…) Or should I put off having a child until after or right near the end of the war? A kid would be a great way to shift focus to other characters and time skip like hell, but is it too much?

Note as always guys and girls, these questions are just opinion questions. I do not promise to go with the majority on these LOL.



1. The idea that Harry and Tauriel traveling with the Dwarves would be a great way to help further those bonds and maybe even help lessen tensions between humans and elves to be an interesting idea. I would not want this one really as unfortunately I do not know how different it would be to whenever Harry is around the dwarves and I could just see it repeating more of what has already happened. But honestly, I think I would rather see them head into the Harad. I would rather seem world building in a way that might not have been properly explored in other media. Moreover, the adventures that they would get up to would be very interesting and depending on what happens they might be able to develop bonds of friendship and trust that could then see another avenue of people that could be called upon to fight against Sauron or that would be able to help against corsairs and others. 2. In terms of wedding, do the elves of Middle Earth even have marriage as a human would? I could see Harry and Tauriel having a very touching moment before Galadriel and Celeborn in the woods of Lothlorien or even just by themselves and the Valar as witness. But a big wedding as has been observed in A Third Path to the Future just would not fit them or this world. Something smaller and more intimate would be more their speed. 3. If Saruman is destined to fall then I do not really need to see much if any interaction between the two of them; unless the interactions would slow his descent or for the possibility that Saruman might not fall to darkness. Plus, the way that Saurman has so far been betrayed he might give of Dumbledore vibes and I can just see Harry playing pranks but also the two of them are just to radically different to really get along at least not without a buffer in Galadriel or Gandalf. 4. I don’t think we need to really see the canon events all the time; but seeing him falling in love with Arwen would be interesting. I also think seeing some of the adventures with the Rangers or in Rohirrim would be fun, not necessarily for the adventures themselves, as we can see how Harry has influenced Aragorn as a person. Does he say or do things differently with someone like Harry around or has a story Harry told about his life and adventures resonate with Aragorn and help him in a tough situation. 5. I am torn, I love the idea of getting to see Harry and Tauriel as parents, especially Harry as all he has ever wanted to be was a father. The interactions we would see between the parents and those that they trust would be cute and great to see. Which when coupled with being old enough to take part in the War of the Rings could add tension when the child is away from their parents and how they all would act and react. Whereas, if they both know that a war is coming in the near future would the two of them even be willing to bring in a child to the world if they could not guarantee their safety. But I think they should have a kid, not just for others to focus on but that it gives Harry and Tauriel another reason to live on and ensure the future of the world for their child/children.

Garri Sarkisov

1. I am torn between A and C. A makes sense as we have started this journey with Dwarves and it seems fitting what other things can be accomplished since canon does not provide a lot of information like how did Moria fall, perhaps canon can be changed there. On the other hand C is curious since no one ever wrote anything about that, perhaps H/T can take few of their dwarven friends there for adventure (hint hint wink wink) 2. Small wedding with mix of Dwarven/human/Elven traditions will be wonderful to see and with all core friends of the group, Bilbo the flower boy (lol) 3. no opinion 4. It would be awesome to see how Harry's teachings influenced Aragorn's life in his adventures, perhaps another meet up between teacher and student in shared adventure, imparting more life wisdom. 5. I would love to see kids, there are almost no twins in canon being born for elves. It would be great to see boy and girl. Cute family interactions in passage of time episodes would be soothing for the soul. Like first accidental magic, funny tantrum and unusual pets ("mom it followed me home, can i keep it") Thank you