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Howdy all. So, while this is a bit early, I am going to shut this poll down now. I finished GDWHOM and have sent it off to Hiryo, and I am both deeply concerned about my time from Thanksgiving on, and want to get a jump on the winner.

So, without further ado, here is the results of the poll:

In last place despite getting 459 votes from the carryover effect, is Bhaalson Remodel with 1,242. It only brought in 20 votes from fanfic. I think my hopes that BG3 would garner it some support has been proven false.

In second place, with 65 votes from fanfic and a total of 2,020, is Fate Touched in Middle Earth. Guys, girls, thank you. Truly. I think of this fic as a homage to JRR Tolkien, and I love the fact it gets such support. But …

The winner, with 72 votes from over on fanfic and a total of 2,231, is FILFy Teacher.

…Now, before anyone calls me out, I did indeed say I would vote for either BR or Fate if one had a chance of beating FILFy. But I also said the same thing about voting for Climbing Together. I have always maintained that I want to give both my Ranma and my Harry fans an equal amount of story. Climbing will get the carry over effect, and with that and my votes, it stands a good chance of winning the patron poll.

This was heightened by the fact that I fully wrote out the outline for the next chapter of Death’s Avenger.  It is going to be at least 40,000 words, unless something changes. And not only do I not see myself having time in the last two weeks of the month to write that out, but Tomon and I have talked. He is still going over the last chapter, and I DO NOT want to go on to the next chapter without his input on the last.

The Unseen Path is the second most important part of this story going forward that has been introduced at this point, the first being Tyrande and showing how she and Harry interact. The order is going to be a source of support for Harry’s escapades going forward, and a way to introduce supporting characters for the next few thousand in-fic years. The foundation of how I show the order to you all needs to be as good as we can make it, and that will occur in the last chapter and this one.

So I hope you all see and understand my reasoning going forward folks. Thank you for your continued support, and I hope that you all are having a nice, safe November.



honestly, i don't mind. i do enjoy bhaalson so i'm always sad to see how little support it has, but i've never felt like that was because it's bad, just that the other stories it's' up against are just that good. and i'm perfectly fine for you to take your time with DA to make sure that it is correctly set up for the future. take more time and give us a more polished story anytime


Boo. The only two stories of yours I don't read both winning. Oh well, can't win them all.


yeah, sorry. I NEVER saw GDWHOM's victory coming. Just blew me out of the water there. FILFy at least was something you could predict. Who knew that the carry over effect alone could actually perform as it's supposed to!?