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December Format Poll

  • Just keep the regular format and maybe surprise us with a random fourth pick! 152
  • How about replace one of the fandom polls with a Story Idea from the same fandom? 12
  • Why not keep the regular format but write up both the first and second place Patron Poll winners? 39
  • Let us choose from a dead fic poll! 65
  • Replace the patron only poll with a poll based on story ideas, and write up the two most popular 8
  • 2023-11-04
  • —2023-11-18
  • 276 votes
{'title': 'December Format Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Just keep the regular format and maybe surprise us with a random fourth pick! ', 'votes': 152}, {'text': 'How about replace one of the fandom polls with a Story Idea from the same fandom? ', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Why not keep the regular format but write up both the first and second place Patron Poll winners? ', 'votes': 39}, {'text': 'Let us choose from a dead fic poll! ', 'votes': 65}, {'text': 'Replace the patron only poll with a poll based on story ideas, and write up the two most popular', 'votes': 8}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 18, 19, 33, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 4, 18, 26, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 276}


Hey all, here is my December centric poll.

For those who have joined recently or even in the past year, I normally want to do something special for my patrons in December. So instead of one Patron only chapter, I write two, and then post a chapter previously on patron over on fanfic. I try to post four fics, but that doesn’t always go according to plan.

So here we have the choices. Do you all want to see:

1. Just keep the regular format and maybe surprise us with a random fourth pick! No changes to the regular three polls, but I would lean towards smaller chapters of as to allow me to work on a fic of my own choosing from my story ideas, although ti would be my last priority. No idea which, although I would lean towards an HP fic, given that I don’t have many HP one-shots… or barely any at all if you don’t consider my old HP/SW omakes as one. I think only the HP/Kuroinu would actually count as one. I… hmm… I would like to built on that…

2. How about replace one of the fandom polls with a Story Idea from the same fandom? I would choose from four of my story ideas and write out a teaser chapter for the one that wins this poll. The fandom would be chosen by another poll I would need to put up before Thanksgiving.

3. Why not keep the regular format but write up both the first and second place Patron Poll winners?  Pretty self explanatory, LOL. The first and second placers in December’s poll would be given chapters. Remember that MWwill be back, and the winner from this month will not appear. And I would still use the carryover effect in this poll. I would also make the Patron stories the first priorities in December.

4. Let us choose from a dead fic poll! Here again you all would be asked to vote in a fourth poll, one of stories that have died or been seet aside for one reason or another: An Aunt’s Touch (RanmaxHighschool of the Dead) My Adventure Homage Fic, Journey Gone Astray, or Semblance of Hope. I would include my second Voltron one-shot as well.

5. Replace the patron only poll with a poll based on story ideas, and write up the two most popular. This would lead to a poll based on all the story ideas I’ve come up with and just letting people vote for any one of them.

You all will note that I didn’t offer an option of just splitting up the patron only poll along fandom lines. Heroes would be left out in the cold if I did.

For more information on the story Ideas, check out the tag, story ideas, or wait until I create a collection of the same name.  An Aunt’s Touch can be found as part of this thread: https://www.patreon.com/posts/january2022-54133557

This poll is a straight up NUMBERS ONLY poll guys. I don’t weigh your votes when choosing the December format. What you see is what we get.  

This poll will End on the 18th. 



Deadpool! Deadpool Ranma! What’s that you say? It’s dead POLL? Oh, I see. Well that works, too, I guess…


…considering I don’t like Deadpool, the first won’t be happening ever, so yes it is a poll about dead/ on hold fics.


Checking in on this... I am now wondering if there is a first choice bias going on here... or if my brief mention of my Kuroinu cross was enough to bring out the Pervert Side in a majority of the voters. Hmm...