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Howdy all, I have been playing around Patreon for a bit.  I don't know where it came from, but  Patreon unilaterally assigned me a 5.00 tier for some reason.  I had not linked to anything extra or anything like that.  I was able to tell people that I didn't use tiers in the tier description, but I was still concerned that was scaring anyone from joining up.  Specifically because you can now 'join' if a creator has a free tier.

NOTE: I don't.  I have fanfic, A03, and then the stuff here, which is not free.  You pay, you get access, as always.  What your money goes to is VOTES.  More dollars equals more votes as always.

Anyway, I recently was able to finally do something about it: I was able to delete that tier, and replace it with another.  YES, annoyingly I STILL had to call signing up a 'tier'.  not being able to just sign up is a little strange, but this way, at least people will be able to sign up for whatever amount they want to once more.

But if anyone has lost access because of this change, PM me.



I haven’t lost access but at least when using my phone it doesn’t look like I can change the $$ amount anymore.