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Afternoon, morning or Evening folks, and yes, I put that out of order to mess with your minds. It is time to announce the end of the patron only poll.  The next chapter of Effect is finished, and off to Hiryo. I still haven’t gotten the last chapter of DA back… that’s hopefully because RL has ambushed Tomon. We will see.

Once more, my heart goes out to those in Israel, and the families of the hostages that remain in Hamas’s clutches. I note the apparent leader mentioned twenty of them had died in Israeli bombs. Funny how he never mentioned how Hamas gunned down far more than that in their initial attacks when blaming Jews for everything.

ANYWAY, here are the results:

In last place, although with a decent showing, is Climbing Together, with 1,449. It will get the carry over effect next month, so hopefully even when DA returns it may have a chance of winning.

With 2,455, in second place is King of Champions. Amazing showing, but this time it couldn’t beat the carry over effect and the fact I was voting for whatever Ranma fic had a chance to win…

So obviously, in first place, is Making Waves with a total of 2,505 votes. Breaking it down, 400 votes from me, 695 votes from the carry over effect which is half of what the fic earned in the last poll.

I will be getting the chapter out by the end of the month, and be sending it out in bits to my editors, so we can hopefully catch the majority of mistakes.  I will also be posting the Ranma Only Poll for November tomorrow, so I can start working on the winner right away. 

That's all for now guys, stay safe, warm/cold, whatever and have a nice day!



And i was so looking forward to another kings chapter :(


It was close! another 51 plus votes it would have won. But I'm happy because this moves MW closer to finishing, and that means I can do so and then bring back my DC/Ranma cross. Either when MW finishes or FILFy, whichever comes first.