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Howdy all!

So… as of the time of my writing this, there’s not been a single comment on Climbing Together? 😾. I, I suppose I can put that down to it being a traveling chapter, I guess, and the subject matter being as repetitive as Genma is self-serving. Still, that’s not a great look for that chapter. I want to see how the next chapter goes, which is going to be combat, romance and tying loose ends oriented.

Anyway, that’s my whining out of the way LOL. In other news, It is time to end the Ranma Only poll. As it was a numbers only poll, you can go and look to see who won, but it was pretty obvious a while back that the story I wanted, the Wonder of Zero continuation, wasn’t going to win. Whine number 2… 😭.

BUT. You all have spoken. Gods and Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My and Effect of a Horse and a Dragon will return. In fact, they will return immediately, since working in the DxD world is somewhat easy to shift from one fic to another. I will work on GDWHOM next week, and get it out to Hiryo for editing so that I can post it here by the end of the month. Since it’s been sooooooo long since I worked on that fic, I want to post it here so you all can point out any mistakes I made.

On that note, if you are a fan of my Bhaalson Remodel story, I would recommend going back and rereading the Godly intervention scene. Thanks to conversations with Novus, I have rewritten that portion of the fic twice to match the gods and reality of the world of Faerun better. I think you will find the reasons behind the godly intervention and their actions far more on point now. I will also be updating this fic over on Fanfic.net.

And seriously, if anyone has any idea how to add colors and things like that to my chapters on AO3, pretty please tell me.

To keep with Remodel, if anyone would like to volunteer to go back and do a soft edit of the chapters – make certain I keep the same weapons (and abilities of said), name usage, and experience build up accurate throughout, I would be willing to give out twenty votes per chapter on top of a hundred flat for the work. This is a first come, first served kind of deal, but if you think you have enough BG knowledge and time, plus a desire for those votes, please PM me.

As for Effect of a Horse and Dragon, something similar will apply. I will carry it over into the next month and update it in August. That way, all three Ranma choices will be on the first Ranma-only poll in September.

There is a Real Life reason for this beyond the neatness of doing so given how long it’s been since those fics were updated. August is always the month where family stuff occurs and this year is no different. I will have exceedingly limited wi-fi and writing time from the 14th on. So while I can promise to get out three chapters as normal, they will be smaller, and I cannot promise to be able to communicate as I do normally here on fanfic, via email or anything else.

Back to the DxD verse, like I said, I should be able to finish GDWHOM pretty easily in a week. FILFy Teacher by the end of the month… no. Not and work on the patron only poll winner at the same time. Because it’s been so long for this fic too, and because of all the moving parts, it is going to take a long time to finish. I’ve only gotten around nine thousand words of it done, and in comparison to everything I want to get out of the way in this, a MAJOR recovery chapter, that isn’t much. So here is the question for the poll attached to this post: would you all like to see half the chapter by the end of the month here on Patreon, or wait until the whole chapter can be uploaded to fanfic and here?



Eh. I didn't comment on Climbing Together because I'm not a big fan of it. Unlike with both DxD stories, I do actually READ Climbing Together. But I actively dislike Shampoo, even your version. So...meh. At this point I read it 95% because Mai is awesome and I've never actually seen her in a fanfiction before. Ever, I think. Other then a few small snippets when Anime Addventure was still around. Which, considering how many of them I've consumed over the last couple of decades is a bit startling, when I actually stop to think about it. Also. BOOOOO. Both DxD stories >_<. Hiss, hiss, boo! I used to at least skim FILFY, but I stopped even that much quite a few chapters ago. I think the last one I read was when they were in Egypt. And I only skimmed that one. I've never even made it past like, chapter 3 of GDWHOM. Well, at least I like Mass Effect...even if I only voted for it so that GDWHOM didn't win. Only for it to come back anyway T-T.


Eh, kind of agree with you about Canon Shampoo. It's why Climbing is the only story I pair her with Ranma, although I do tend to treat her kindly in comparison to Akane. As for DxD... again canon DxD sucks. But I like redheads... yesss i do... LOL. Anyway, sorry to say that I will indeed be updating both fics.


Oh, she's better than Akane, no question. And you've softened enough of her negative behaviors that I don't Hate your version. I'm just sort of ambivalent toward her. DxD...ugh. Not going into that again. I can't swallow a lot of the anti-religous bits of the setting. It has 0 percent to do with you. 5000% to do with the original setting and it's lore. But, hey, majority rules. Obviously other people want it.


I haven't had time to read the new Climbing Togther chapter. Looking foward to it as it is my favorate Rama story.