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Howdy all. As the title says, this is May’s Patron only Poll.

But as usual, a sitrep. I have gotten back the Stallion chapter from Tomon, and then sent it on to Hiryo. I will be posting the chapter later tonight here regardless and over on fanfic. Making Waves is also similarly with Justlovereadin’. I will wait until the last minute to post that one, but I will still do it if I haven’t gotten the chapter back from him. That would be sad, as it would be the first chapter of that work since the first few that haven’t had his input. But it will be done.

With that out of the way, here is the Patron only poll:

King of Champions – HP/RWBY crossover: After the night’s surprises, Harry decides to cook as means of meditation, only for Tia to interrupt him before he can think too hard about things. Another discussion occurs, followed by promises of dating, a father/son talk, and team RWBY making Arturia’s acquaintance. Guld leaves that night to head back home with multiple agreements in hand Arturia is offered a job but instead takes a mission before a date occurs at a certain dance club. A bowler-hated gentlemen is met, and surprisingly no combat occurs then or later as more dates happen without anything going wrong, astonishing all involved. This is made up for on Friday, when Arturia leads several teams out on a mission intended to show them the reality of the Grimm beyond the walls of the city-states. The battle turns for the worst as other Grimm in the area get involved, but eventually the students and Hunters win through. Another weekend occurs with two more dates, an apartment being rented, and calls home as revelations rock team RWBY, and a member of GART makes a fateful decision.

Bhaalson Remodel – HP/Gamer/Baldur’s Gate Crossover: Once again, rest and recovery demand their just due, as Harry and his companions mourn many dead. Harry threatens first an officer, than a priest and finally a paladin and a wizard, before the group agree to build up their strength once more followed by a funeral. Harry falls in love and then shows a new ability while out with Khalid and the aforementioned paladin, to the shock of several half-ogres. New armor is obtained along with new quests, and Harry and Viconia realize that yes, in fact they are flirting, and they are fine with this. Jaheira finally gets to show her druid side again, dozens of bandits scream, and news comes from the south. A quest takes them west to the coast of the… Sword Coast… and Harry’s immunity to mind control comes into play once more. Edwin makes a very odd friend, an even odder discovery, and is changed irrevocably, to the amusement of all and confusion of some, before Harry finally decides on the god he wishes to pledge himself to.

Climbing Together – Street Fighter/King of Fighters/Ranma crossover: The group travel south with their burden of a middle-aged, no longer gone to seed Soun. Alas, Weepy Man wakes up eventually, and the drama of the three (?) Tendos continue. Mai and Ranma have a moment, Mai and Shampoo commiserate, Natsume tries to decide if she’s interested in Ranma to the amusement of some and annoyance of others. Another redhead is met, and Soun decides its his turn to put his foot in it, creating a family reunion that no one is prepared for. The group, still with their prisoner, arrive at the Shiranui dojo. Andy makes an ass of himself, Ranma picks a fight. Afterward, Mai debates between wedding lingerie or nurse outfit, with neither working. Arguments abound, and a ultimatum is given. Heart to hearts occur, Soun decides to man up as Andy decides not to. Shampoo and Ranma have some us time, Mai realizes something, and the two martial artists are joined by a third as they once more hit the road.

This poll will end on Mother’s Day. I should have ATP finished by then and off to it’s editor.  Bhaalson Remodel and Climbing Together were both updated in December, and will both receive the ½ carryover effect. And I will be voting for Bhaalson Remodel. I need my Viconia fix.

{Viconia: While I am undoubtedly beautiful enough to be worthy of awe, I dislike your speaking of me as if I am some type of addictive substance, as it feels too much like you are speaking of me as if I can be owned, AbaLolth!

Me: I’m sorry my dread Mistress!

Viconia:… That title at least is acceptable.}



BR I want to see HP and NT come back and kick butt w/skilz.


Let's go KoC! More HP/Rwby shenanigans for the win!