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Howdy all. Hope this Sunday treats you all well (LET’s GO EAGLES). It is time to end the small story poll. I will also be ending the patron only poll. This way I can allocate time/decide which to work on first, and hopefully get fics out to my editors in time enough to let them look the chapters over.

King of Champions 6 should also be out this evening. Hope you all enjoy it.

Anyway, here are the results:

In very, very last place, having done abysmally, is Horse for the Force. 34 votes over on fanfic, and a total of 704. This despite it being the fic closest to completion. OUCH.

Now onto the part of the poll that wasn’t obvious coming in.

For the first time, EVER since it joined the small story poll, in Stallion of the Line comes in second place, with a great showing of 114 over on fanfic, and a total of 3,277.

But, thanks to the carry-over effect of 1,319 and the aid of 165 votes from fanfic, the winner is Magic of the Force with a total of 3,934.

Now…. This puts me in a bad position honestly. More than any other, December is a month I would really like to do a 2:2. That is, two Ranma fics, and two HP fics. BUT I also already said I would be putting my votes down on Bhaalson Remodel, and it will also be getting the carry-over effect because it has been so many months. So… should I recant that? And put my votes down for Making Waves? Just let it go wherever it will without my votes? Or should I force my muse to actually keep to the small story format, and then hope I have time to work on something else at the end of the month, and make it 2:3?

Decisions… decisions…



Magic finally getting a win AND King of Champions getting a chapter? Merry Christmas indeed!!!


I'd really love to see a Bhaalson update but if you want to do 2:2 then maybe you can delay one of the HP updates till next time and do whichever Ranma came second