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Happy Pre-Friday all. It has become time to ask you all your opinion on a few more questions, my comrades in fanfic fandom. As always, these will be broken down into different segments as to which fics they deal with or at the very least the fandom.

Fate Touched In Middle Earth:

1. Should Harry and Tauriel have kids during the huge timeskip between the end of the Hobbit and the Fellowship? I do want them to have kids, but I also know that it was a huge problem in ATP. Then again, there’s a LOT of years here to play with, even more than in canon since Sauron was weakened by Saruman (yes, he was, this will come up in the story, no I won’t go into why now… although if you know Saruman, then you can guess the reasons heh).  My initial thought is obviously yes for a lot of reasons, but I would like to hear your thoughts.

2. In the original, the elves were weakened and called to Valinor by the Valar. There is a lot of debate on why, but the main three reasons people believe was that they were so weakened from so many years battling or suffering Sauron’s subtle influence on Middle Earth, or that the Valar were calling the elves back to Valinor. There are… problems with both of these, hence the third: that Eru Ilúvatar’s plan for Arda was for Middle Earth to be for humans (and dwarves, thank you Aulë) and for Aman to be for elves, and to make certain of this, the Valar were slowly draining magic away from Middle Earth, a process that was hastened when Sauron fell. But with Harry here, there is a large stone dropped into the river here. So, should Galadriel and others not be weakened and go west?

3. The sword of Gryffindor is a great weapon, it’s true. But there are weapons in ancient Middle Earth history that make it pale in comparison. Is the idea of Harry and Tauriel finding, oh… the broken blade of Ringil somehow? And don’t worry, Tauriel will have her own weapon… BWWAHAHAHA.

4. Have people liked seeing the villain POVs in this? I’m curious, since I haven’t used them nearly as much here as I have in my SW fics, but there are certain connections which could be made between Sauron and Sidious.

5. How interesting are you all in dwarfish society? I am thinking of showing a lot of it during the timeskip after Harry’s mind is fully healed and he and Tauriel return to their home beside the Long Lake.

Horse for the Force:

1. This fic is the next closest to being finished of all my other stories after ATP. Should I put it on hold for now, and come back to it when ATP is done, then push it to it’s conclusion so that other fics can have a better chance of winning the small story poll? If so, Horse would continue to replace the Large Story Poll.

2. With Sidious dead, should I continue to concentrate on Ranma – as in most of the chapters will continue to follow him and his crew – or should I make it half Ranma and his band of chaos wor… I mean merry band of companions, and half Fay and the others trying to rebuild the Republic’s Senate and central government? This would probably extend the story by another chapter or so.

3. Should Anakin and Kit continue to travel with Ranma and company? Or should Anakin be punished for his haring off as he did by being left behind? On the planet with Padme on it… yeah… punishment and reward all in one there.

Ranma fans: There are a lot of fics here that have been set aside. Some of them due to how they fair poorly in the various polls. They are: Gods and Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My. Semblance of Hope(which seriously could win a award for how bad it did in nearly every poll it was a part of) and recently, Sword, Bow and Horse. Similarly, there are a few that I dropped because my muses for them died, or were being fed elsewhere. These are: Mass of A Horse and a Dragon, Herd in Space, and Lion of Light. So the question is this: would you like one of these stories to make a comeback, to be part of the small story poll rotation if I do postpone work on Horse, and if so which? Honestly, I am curious which you all would choose. Call this a popularity contest, I guess. The showing of Climbing Together in this month’s patron only poll hurt me, deeply, LOL.

King of Champions:

1. One of the main mistakes I made in SoP, beyond moving the fic away from Beacon too early and for a random concept, was that I wanted to redeem Cinder in some fashion. Should I try that again, or just leave her as a baddie? And if so, should Emerald sink with her, or not? Should Mercury?

2. Tia’s teammates. I should probably come back to this after the next chapter, but are they interesting enough to make into actual characters, or should Tia, just due to her personality and Ozpin foolishly thinking she has leadership potential, sink the team and join Harry’s team as their plus one?

3. Similarly, I am wondering about Hazel. My personal opinion is he’s a siscon rage-boner fuckwit who reaaaaallly should have realized someone using Grimm as Salem does can only be evil, whatever their both sharing the aforementioned rage-boner for Ozpin. But I will freely admit I didn’t watch any of the seasons beyond the end of Season 2. So I will be interested in seeing your opinions.

Bhaalson Remodel:

1. Here there is only one real question: Should Harry eventually, through the use of his Leadership and Tactics skills, become a summoner? There is precedence in the game in various ways, but I am wondering if it would be interesting or fun to see him able to summon up a troop of soldiers to command in particularly tough battles. So I’ve listened to a lot of LitRPGs lately. Sue me.

Have a nice night guys!



I wan't ''Herd in Space'' to make a comeback.

Stephen Grote

So I would normally have voted for Climbing atogether this month, however I am pretty invested in Bhaalson. If I could have voted twice on here it would have been CT and BR. I don't really care for King of Champions mostly because I think swapping Harry for Jaune and making most of his sisters sibcon doesn't really add to the world or explore any exciting new avenues.